Torch response (ft. Pie Debates)

They meant justify himself from the start, not when they already left and 2-3 days passed.

BUT I can see why they did it this way. They needed time to prepare everything to fight back.

i mean like saying some thing like “hey im leaving because i dont want to receive death threats, i’ll explain anything soon” before dipping

Remember: Its okay to make those type of jokes to a minor bc you knew them for a while!

Ppl will eat any sort of response slop as long as its presented in a composed and calm manner

"am i a responsible adult? "
well that’s debatable
"did i talk to that underage girl? "
“did it get sexual or flirtatious?”

I was try to make bullet points but honestly I gave up, regret doesn’t change what you did.

so was this video basically filled with nothing and freaktorch is still guilty or

Watch it for yourself

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Tbh he still guilty but the whole thing is messy

I kinda can’t since YT is blocked for me (and quite frankly I don’t care enough to go through the process of bypassing his video since it seems like people are starting to see through the bullshit)

I don’t know man, I think it’s weird asf still and I don’t know why a 21 years old man would even be out there messaging minors but maybe it’s different from where I come.

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I fully agree, and I don’t really know how to feel about the “trial dating” being just “a joke” because that sounds borderline predatory

admittedly I can think of a few rare instances of this happening (like commission work or something for money) though this is definitely not one of those cases

Maybe if it was casual chatting but :disappointed_relieved:

selectdiddy on that kittenmaxxing grind fr…

Saying the pictures were taken out of context is making my YandereDev alarms go off the charts. Even if they were, the messages themselves are still freaky.

evelynn vs selectorch
battle of the freaky dms

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@001 u gonna take this slander

I saw u ghost ping its too late

Surprised so many people are voting yes. Is it ironic? Can someone explain how he is innocent? I’m failing to see how he isn’t on the Diddy roster

if its true then its ironic, if its false I was right all along.

im not watching the vid but

17 - still in highschool
21 - probably finishing or near-finishing college

its a concerning age gap

He says the iconic “well a 3 year age gap isn’t necessarily the worst thing ever”