Torch response (ft. Pie Debates)

Thank you, oh great Goopman, for such a compliment. I am happy to have pleased you upon this time.

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my condolences

I am very unsure how I am alive sometimes.

But I enjoy the idea of God not wanting me and Satan being unable to contain me.

I will live forever and claim my thrones in the cosmos. (seriously how am I alive)


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The reasoning behind my rudeness is fairly simple: I have been extremely tired of seeing a straight up second thread on a topic that has no real point of getting as big as it was with literally 90% of the comments going “diddlytorch” or “he’s guilty because (insert identical argument)”. Your post felt annoying to me due to the extremely long nature of the post that just annoyed me in inexplicable manners.

I must say that I do apologize in some respects, as your post does seem a bit less extreme compared to other posts, but I was generally just pissed at literally everyone in this thread for making this big of a deal out of something that can be summarized in 6 sentences.

And that’s why I felt the need to write a conversely 9 paragraph long post that boils down to “quit it, you lot don’t even make sense” .

A properly structured post like the one by HK_G that properly displayed their opinion in a clear, concise manner was an oddity, as even yours was, rather similar to this post I am writing, fairly difficult to properly read, as it was really long and felt like it had gone on for unnecessarily long, and with this oddity was the first post in this entire thread that I felt was actually valid, because it got to the point and did not feel biased nor arguing on points for longer than they should be argued on.

sorry, I was annoyed at the time. You did have some good points, I was fairly tired and as such summarized my gripes with every post written in one long post. The one thing I wish you did differently would be to attempt to convey your message in less words. Shorter messages tend to get more people to listen.

Basically, Yeah you were right, I was a bit mean, do try to not make my own mistakes tho with word count and see if there are times that you can shorten sentences. I apologize and hope that similar mishaps in the future may be avoided, as you do seem to be a fairly nice person.

do we have cain’s side?

talking about sides can i get a side of apple pie with that forum derail?

Apple pie with ice cream

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Im friends with @Sykadelik irl

My friend doesn’t have an account but reads the forums


This is pretty valid

ok lets see if torch is guilty
1-10 he’s guilty
11-20 he’s innocent

@discobot roll d20

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 16

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I’m just sad there won’t be anymore Vetex qnas now :sob:

there wont?

Well selectorch was the one that always did them, and since it’s selectover I doubt there will be any more

Unless someone else decides to host them

Yeah, but is your apple pie… made of bad apple?