Torch response (ft. Pie Debates)

“Goodnight Torchies, I’ll see you tomorrow~”

those people have something wrong with them. At the very least, the sort to unironically make joke builds and posts about it and think it’s funny.

blockate (roblox game) used to have an assortment of roleplay games, and i ran a few for a while. sometimes i needed help with organizing stuff so some of the more dedicated players shot me ideas over discord DM’s. unfortunately this did lead to…an underage player mentioning something very slightly NSFW and i was like “i ain’t doing this” and dropped my age to scare them off that topic

some of the players in roblox RP are insane there was this 9-year-old that had literally perfect grammar during roleplay, and only omitted periods in OOC

Used to be me when I was 12-13 :sob:
sometimes I look at my message history from like 4 years ago and it looks so passive aggressive

the main thing that makes me think that bros guilty is mostly the amount of things I could excuse if it was like one or two things

-he makes sexual jokes, and while I guess it’s normal but like it’s weird with the age gap and having thoughts of the relationship type shit. (and I lowkey dont understand it because I dont do that shit amongst my friends but I know you dolts are some wackos so :woman_shrugging:)

-21 and 17 year old is just wack to me, like there’s just some weird shit. A 4 year age gap is less and less strange when you get older but I mean I would question an 18 and 22 year old.

-Legality is ehhh, if it’s illegal in at least one of the two countries/states the people live in then um, no? But even if it isn’t it’s more of a question of “is this relationship okay” and like there’s evidence pointing against it being okay.

-leaving servers is suspicious and could be used by either side, I mean it’s fair imo but he should’ve given “I’m making a response, I just don’t want to get jumped” message.

-having thoughts about it paired with the gap, the messages, and supposedly the trial date thing(?) is just like weird.

At best this is lowkey creep behavior and at worst, well yknow.


finally a reasonable comment, yeah this is really fair

SInce 2nd grade I’ve dealt with their antics. Since 2nd grade they’ve dealt with me asking the most insane, unprovoked questions. They give me this:

And I make them say things like this:

@motherfuckinf SOCK FOX RAT FUCK - Discord 8_24_2024 1_17_41 AM

A beautiful friendship, don’t you agree?

If you actually READ WHAT I SAID, you’d see I basically said “they seem really guilty, they did bad things, and their video seemed like they kept lying.”

Don’t lot me in with them! So rude!

say that instead of a massive longwinded paragraph that reads “I believe he is guilty, so here’s everything I can find that shows that he must be guilty!” with zero regard to alternative possiblities

Okay, I’m gonna say it.

He is acting guilty. My paragraphs points out how and when. I never compared him to that of Diddy or anything like that. I’ve just pointed out things I’ve noticed that make him seem extremely guilty. He’s not helped himself at all with that video.

Next, you’ve been an ass to everyone who makes jokes about this, or feels like their opinion is accurate.

My comment points out where he was actively showing how he was wrong. I couldn’t see any good reasoning for the way he’s defending himself. It’s poorly done, makes him seem MORE GUILTY, and made the problem worse.

Finally, that IS WHAT I SAID, just in a long, evidence using way. Get off your high horse, you’ve been a dick to people about this, and I’ve not even been disagreeing with you. You have been an utter pain to people that aren’t even against you specifically.

I’m not even angry about the fact we’ve had ANOTHER misunderstanding, where I’m agreeing with you and not using the basic argument others are doing, and not calling him a pedo but just a creep that feels like he could be testing the lines.

You’ve just been rude. That’s it. In a way that annoys me. And you’ve been doing it to other people, but going for my well-made argument to how he’s guilty, which good evidence and backing? You’ve made it personal now.

You don’t have to be this mean to people, even online. I was nice, my argument tracked and was grounded, and pointed out the problems with his response and how it makes him seem MORE GUILTY.


You’re being rude and going for my understanding of the response when it isn’t wrong. He could be innocent, small chance of it, but my reasoning didn’t go for what you have a problem with at all. I came to the conclusion he’s guilty, and my reasoning makes a lot of sense. You’ve been an utter pain and rude.

I’ll say it again. Rude!


I don’t even know what is being said here help :sob:


the censoring makes this image so funny lmao

My nickname for them is fun.

@sock what’s the nickname you got for me, if any? (Don’t show my discord user if its not a nickname PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD)

i have known your for 4 messages and you are already my favorite forumer

What four messages have earned me this right, oh great Goopman?

each and every one, you say what you mean and you mean what you say :nod:

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What have been the HIGHLIGHTS of my comments on this thread though, I’m curious!

nobody else here can be as blunt as you while still being polite, i am genuinely impressed