Torch response (ft. Pie Debates)

True this does look bad but honestly we need a statement from Vetex and Tech. I mean, maybe they did it b/c they knew general would be flooded w/ @Selectorch, but if they did think that then a kick would’ve made more sense. I’m like 65% positive he’s innocent but we’ll see


yeah we still need more info from other people before we can make an accurate assumption

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Tbh I wouldn’t trust someone who sounds like ryuk

How u gomma be arguing with wrong information :sob:

I mean once I got everything right my point still stood

Anyway I cba to read all the yap on this thread but I watched the video

he obviously made her uncomfortable, I don’t know what to tell ya

pedo or not, the situation is still weird and he hurt her in some way or another, so in my eyes he is at fault here and just simply apologizing over it won’t do much.

I think the arguments he gave were kinda stupid but I don’t wanna get too much into that

do I feel bad for Selectorch for having to deal with this?
-Not at all, I don’t think so. I never really cared about the guy anyway after his channel turned into big arrows and bolded and capitalized text on every single thumbnail

do I think the situation is justified to be this big?
-You could argue about that. I feel like the arguments from both sides are rather weak

is it okay?
-Personally I have a close friend I talk to with the same age gap and we’ve never had any weird interactions. It isn’t hard to just act normal around people younger than you and use common sense/think twice before saying stuff.

Looking back on it the whole trial dating thing despite her saying she’s not into guys is DEFINITELY weird, as well as all the flirting

the comments are also extremely one sided, people have been saying he’s been deleting negative comments

anyway yeah that’s as much as I want to get into it myself, I’m not up for any arguing about this topic


one of the only takes here that isnt trying to paint him as epstein when hes really just a discord degenerate

the age gap is on the line of what’s okay, but i think that repeatedly trying to date someone who said she isnt into guys is the big issue, doing something like that incessantly to someone who not only is uncomfortable with it but who you never had a chance with in the first place is creep behavior

i also have multiple friends in their 20s, and im 17, and none of them ever act like this, in general flirting with friends is not something ive ever done, and is a big difference from sexual jokes

i dont think hes a pedophile, or necessarily irredeemable, but he is a weird guy who needs to get his shit together and is not in a position to have a high role in a community of easily influenced kids


You sum it up perfectly tbh

isnt he also the bteam lead?

“female NPCs will now date you regardless of reputation or actions done to them previously”

-added by freakytorch

I thought that was meta?

bro i was gone for 9 days :sob:

no he was before meta…

Requested by OP