Torch response (ft. Pie Debates)

nathorix moment

that is not a good look claiming the exact same thing as a confirmed predator

Watching the video I genuienly beleived ā€œdeveloping something with herā€ was him wanting to make a roblox gameā€¦ Im genius

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Why the fuck did bro admit this :sob:
Not even chinese water torture could get this out of me

If she reported him ehhhhhh it might be selecover

that is the worst possible thing to say

its diddytorchover

Yeah that made me change my mind, itā€™s selectover

The sad truth is that selectorch isnā€™t even going to suffer any real consequence since most of AOā€™s community probably doesnā€™t care or hasnā€™t heard the full story

weā€™re only a small piece of the pie

what type of pie are we

probably a pretty nasty one tbh

selectorch is yet another name in a long list of arcane freakazoids

i am yet to feel remorse when bad things happen to pedophiles/groomers (or just horrible people in general)

Until the victim comes out to 100% confirm these claims as true, Iā€™m still considering him guilty

I mean, I donā€™t know if we can confirm selec is a Drake, but from the response heā€™s given its kinda :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

my honest response is why would big bro give balancecord lead and whatever else to other people if he was innocent? he could have gotten them back by now if he wasnā€™t guilty

Im pumpkin pie because that is my favorite

So what yaā€™ll are saying isā€¦

ā€¦ Heā€™s torched.


he fr was caught tryna selectouch some girls online :cold_face: :camera_flash:

Canā€™t wait for the slectorch diss track