Toxic Players & Inflated Ego's

Bruh that’s in like very fucking game. Most of the toxic people in games are a high level. You made a post about an issue that is in every game .-.

I’m pretty sure I made it clear in the very first sentence that I am aware this is a common/recurring theme in RPG-Based games. Please carefully read the rest Thank you :heart:

Yes yous said RPG games meaning you were talking about rpg games specifically i mean this is a recurring problem in basically every genre of games

Again, read the rest carefully thank you.

I read it like 100 times

I mean for a person who claims to write code, I’d at least expect you to understand the highlighted text. Besides, so what if this is an issue every RPG game experiences. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with talking about it within this specific community. That’s why its called Game Discussion, topics pertaining to the game or about the game are posted here.

:man_facepalming: I READ IT AGAIN it’s like your not understanding what i am saying. I
was not really talking about rpg games i was talking about how this is a problem in every GENRE. But don’t forget that i love you :heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart: :brown_heart: BYE ill end this argument

Pointless argument pog ^

IK lol that is why i said i will stop