Toxic Players & Inflated Ego's

One time on my villain file, I was in the middle of killing King David Silver, outside of Summer Hold, when two synergized good reps came out of nowhere and started attacking me; I didn’t have a bounty, and I wasn’t starting a threat. Another time, on my hero file, I was fishing and I went afk for a couple of minutes, and I came back to find myself getting stabbed to death.

I swear, it’s like a good rep can safely afk for whatever reason, but a if you are a bad rep and need to leave the game for more than five seconds either find a tall tree and climb it or just leave the game.

you have to beat the #### out of them :confused:

they weren’t toxic, the 2 guys in the beginning probably were doing the uh ‘‘good rep job’’ or whaterver, and the second guy was just a loser who can’t get player kills so he kills afks

i’m getting bothered by the possibility that in the future I will have to spec into a nimble and hard build to really avoid high level gankers and goon squads alike. Running away from determined PvP is going to become an art form.

I feel like some players who are “good rep” also use that to make people put their guard down so they can get the drop on you. I’m a non confrontational good rep and I swear I’ve been killed/attacked by more “good rep” players for no reason than bad rep players :expressionless:

I’m going with the passive approach as a good rep player; I generally ignore any and all players and just do my own thing. There’s been only a handful of times that random people decided to attack me, which is, as far as I can tell, a good thing.

It was said multiple times already that Guilds and interactions between them are usually pretty toxic, especially when it comes to PvP. I completely agree with that one, and as to why, I’ll bring up my personal experience. Last week, there was a gank that disrupted a training that I was also at, and after it ended, both sides claimed to be the winners and ridiculed each other all the way along. Then, a 3v3 was held: the side that lost proceeded to say that the enemy “got lucky”, and then started pointing out how bad certain enemy players are, instead of just conceding defeat, or at least dropping all of that in favor of saying “gg, we’ll beat you next time.”

All in all, it looks like Guilds mostly just breed hate between each other, instead of at least trying to act civil, which is a shame. My end goal is to make my Guild a more polite and less hot-headed place that isn’t dragged down into petty arguments like that. Alas, whether that’s impossible or not is another question.

Hopefully I didn’t steer too off-topic: if so, I apologize in advance.

Regardless of what method/combination you use in PvP people will always complain and find an excuse to call you bad and they cant see the places they lack in PvP. So if you have a item they don’t have use it and use it in any position you find yourself in, and care less about the countless complaints for the fact how hard headed and determined people are in these games. I have a sunken sword myself for the reason to counter the other people that have a large ego and just spam sunken sword and aoe attacks and call them self good at PvP.

I mean the higher loot options kinda seems like the trade off for having a dark red name above your head that tells people that you’ve committed crimes.

I don’t kill on sight if I meet somebody in the wilderness but if I’m already in or around a town and I see you cause a threat I’ll certainly go after you.

(unless you’re fighting King David Silver that’d just be rude of me.)

Personally I’ve seen myself a lot of toxic good reps and I shall list them

  1. Mr hahaha your in jail.
    For some reason a lot of good rep players when stumbling across a person in jail will laugh in their face for being caught even though 9 times out of 10 you just surrendered to get rid of bounty I’ve encountered these people 12 ish times.

  2. Mr self righteous

This type of person will see you walking around town doing nothing but walking and usually just wanted to purchase, upgrade, or enchant something but these people think you broke some sort of rule for having a red name tag and chase you around town trying to kill you, these people are usually terrible at pvp and can be easily be clapped but is still annoying cause if you kill them you have to turn yourself in to do what you came to do.

3.Sr please fight me senpai

Will look at you and follow you around until you commit a single crime or do one bad thing and take that as a reason to try to kill you, these people are usually bad at pvp as well so feel free to kill them.

4.Look I got me self a sunken

These people most likely got the sunken sword recently and go up to you for a reason or no reason and spam the shiet out of it.

5.Pvp? never heard of it

They spam self explosions and expect to win.

  1. Good pvp yay they are toxic? oh !?#

Really good pvpers who use that power to ambush and kill people if you encounter these people run for your life.

7.Good player???

Rarist Good rep in Wom that are kind and are real chill I love these species.

I once was a 7, but converted to chill bad rep because I didn’t want to be lumped in with them

I am a good rep through and through and yeah these people exist in abundance. I’ve just given up talking to them and give them a warning if and when they do it again I will mercilessly attack them all while saying dumb stuff like “such needless violence is the path of a dark mage!” and “we must be better than this!”
will they attempt to fight back through several lives? Yes!
will I seriously harm my rep by repeatedly killing positive rep players who are somehow worse at pvp than me? Yes!

Bad Stereotypes for both Good and Bad Reps and in between

Good Reps:

Guardian “Angel”: They generally sit around in towns until a red name tag comes along, despite doing literally nothing. Once this happens, everything will be lit on fire. Buildings will be demolished, townsfolk screaming, the Good Rep is doing like 99% of the destruction, and the Bad Rep is running for their life, and their bounty. Once the Bad Rep is finally killed, the whole town will basically look barren as hell.

Mr. 2 Face: They see a bad rep being chased by the MC and tag along, trying to get near the Bad Rep, despite not even being part of the conflict in the first place. Once the MC goes away, and they’re still on the Bad Rep’s tail, the 2 stop and look at each other. The Good Rep or Bad Rep then just fuck off and go do their own thing.

The Fishing Disturbance V.1: They see a Bad Rep just fishing in a pond or something. The Bad Rep hasn’t done anything wrong. Then the Good Rep annihilates the Bad Rep for no reason while they’re calmingly fishing.

Can Go Either Rep:

The Emoter: They generally walk up to someone and wave or do another type of emote. If you wave or say “hi” back, you will be rewarded with a friendly smile, some crowns, or basically nothing. If you don’t do anything, they either do nothing as well, or hunt you down and kill you.

The Bipolar Turtle: They generally mind their own business until someone gets close, where they will go full aggro and try to murder you. Generally found fishing near ponds or wandering around towns.

Rich Kid: Walks around with all the money. All the seasonal vanity items, and maybe even a few sunken pieces. They generally brag about their wealth but sometimes they’re kind enough to give you some crowns if you’re in need of some.

Sweaty Tryhard: He will fight you. He will fight your friend. He will fight your mom. He’ll fight your dad. He’ll fight anyone in his basic line of sight. Generally thinks of excuses like “oh look at me I wanna get better at pvp”.

Bad Reps:

Complainer: The guy who goes onto the forums and creates dumb posts like these explaining why Good Reps are literal assholes after they get one tapped and sent to jail by a good rep they hit in the back of the head with a blast spell.

Demo Man: That one guy who goes into a server and destroys the Silent Tower to lag the server and make everyone mad.

Merchant Murderer: Kills Merchants. No reason. They’re arguably the worst of the players in this list. Fuck you if you are one of these people.

The Fishing Disturbance V2: They see a Bad Rep good rep just fishing in a pond or something. The Bad Rep good rep hasn’t done anything wrong. Then the Good Rep bad rep annihilates the Bad Rep good rep for no reason while they’re calmingly fishing.

Stone Ocean Gang: Is somehow always in jail.

The last thing I want is to start becoming like the rest of them.

Yes I know they are rude and usually unmanageable but if getting back at them means being a show-off myself I’m not sure if that’s what I want to do.

(I am +rep)

Have no idea why ppl just rage attacking -rep. First thing first, their bounty means nothing with you. You can’t get anything with it at this stage. Second, he just playing in a different style, the game is meant to be played in both ways. When I saw a -rep player, I won’t combat with them if they did not attack me, having massive players killed, or constantly raiding towns. I did fish with couples of -rep players and all were peace (i am +rep). but after bounty update, maybe things go a bit different, but that doesn’t mean I must kill them. it just a game. we are not karma police.

Kind of a weird subject. Let’s be honest, right now world of magic is pretty boring and devoid of a consistent amount of layered content. In a game where content is scarce, players get bored, therefore they will create there own fun. It’s not hard to understand why they do it, but that still does not make it right. If you encounter one of these players, tough luck. If you can take them on, do it, but if cannot, then you are screwed.

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Well i cant tell you what you can and cant do when it comes to the game. Just play how you want and just don’t be phased by people being dumb and rude for no reason. Its hard to find actual respectable people when it comes to this games pvp due to the fact that everyone is just really toxic sometimes but it happens to all of us at some point.

I’ve been targeted by 3 people as a good rep, i main paper magic and the people who were bad reps in the server i was in were Toxic af. they would just spam “EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ” whenever they killed somebody but however, they were SUPER trash at pvp. I wish i was joking but they were that ass at pvp, (all of them were heavy magic users) and they all used their slow projectiles FROM LONG RANGE. and the worst part, they used 20 projectile barrages. It was Hilarious to have to deal with a 1v3 situation with them being this toxic. I honestly hope i never run into someone like them ever again.

I feel so bad right now. When I was a good rep, I tried to kill any bad rep I saw. I prided myself on being a “protector”, but I really only wanted to kill people and not be hunted down by the Magic Council. Then, I got bored enough and turned into a monster. I killed any shopkeeper I saw, went on a genocide against bandits, broke the Silent Tower apart solely to cause lag, and destroyed private storages with magic so no one could get to their loot. Eventually, I snapped out of it, and stopped going crazy.

The messed up thing is, I’ve been planning to keep doing this on another slot.

You guys are missing the point like complete amateurs. Who the fuck is lame enough to gank someone just because they’re “positive rep” and you’re “negative rep”? This ain’t some role play shit.

What real chads should be concerned about is the community focused toxism. E.g who’s “better” than who, and which guild is “better” than another. Who’s the best “magic user”, and ranking people and such. I’m talking about Magius a Guild Hub sorta stuff.

It is one thing to get your point across, it is another thing to insult. I appreciate your opinion on the matter. Keep it civil.