Toxic seawater and dark sea essentia

I been researching for brewing, and there are 2 reagents which are very hard to obtain at the moment. Toxic seawater and Dark sea essentia. Issue, at the moment, you die in the dark sea, and the cursed mushroom trick has been patched. Only info i found in the discord was this
there is a way absolutely clown gatekeeping info to get it. My only other idea are ingridient bags, and thats how most got them i can assume. Also warding just doesnt work on unstable insanity

no idea abt dark sea essentia but spamming water bottles in dark sea works to get toxic seawater

dark sea essentia is probably just deep dark sea water
toxic seawater is normal dark sea water prob

yea i got some toxic seawater already, its just that after a couple of seconds you die to unstable insanity

there’s a funny glitch

set camp here

swim into dark sea


go back into water

now don’t swim into dark sea

bottle water

infinite toxic seawater


Can’t wait for vetex to wipe toxic seawater next yayy

I mean he didn’t wipe seaweed and some weirdos had 8k before update

warm i love you so much (no homo)

The thing is seaweed isn’t unintentionally farmable , this infinite seawater is.

Pumpkins were wiped due to them being unintentionally easy to farm.

But now I doubt they’ll be wiped since toxic seawater is only for tier 3 and below potions so it ain’t that big of a deal

(tier 1 tide throwables making tidal waves)

As long as it ain’t tsunamis it’s fine fr fr

thanks now i will have INFINITE tide gel for my lightning conj :smiling_imp:

I still don’t know how to get dark sea essentia

its probably meant for when dark sea actually releases, its only obtainable via rare ing bags rn

how do you even get island cloud extract anyway

I know you can get anything from rare bags but like how would you get it normally

no clue either, tried using bottle in clouds and that didnt work, only got them from bags

have you tried doing it inside the cloud? like the same place sky egg spawned at

yes actually

some of the sky ones are bugged, like sky root generating only on the top of the stepstones when it’s supposed to generate on the bottom of island clouds

so what exactly is this

tide tier 1 reagent

you get it by harvesting seawater from the dark sea