Trading Accuracy Game (TAG)

Its ironic

This is understandable, but what surprises me is how demand still doesn’t seem to change nonetheless a dead economy?
No players playing the game = less people actually wanting a strong oath.
Therefore, strong oaths value decreases, even if trades for strong oath are made relatively often, (not 3x a week)
Heavy woj however hasn’t lost any value because it’s remained its usefulness in PvP and pve.

No, it’s simply a lack of social skills and unnecessary grudges

nono i was talking about you, I just replied to the wrong thing

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When the uh oh my the

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Theres 2 ways you can go with this:

  • 1 opinion is that value doesnt change in
    between updates unless theres a huge shift in demand.

  • the one which youll prolly find a better answer is that in the last 60 ish topics ive seen (im actually being fr with 60 ish) ive only seen 1 trade for a woj compared to 7 offers for oaths. Demand is wayy higher for oaths than for wojs even when the game is dead.

This can also be used against you since it also means heavy woj value decreases which ties into my argument up there ^

But heavy woj was never about demand, it was always valuable for its usefulness in PvP scenarios

Dude I can’t stress this enough, demand doesn’t carry value, all it does is put you in a better place trading wise.

Its a part of its value whether you like it or not. Its just how trading in this game on these forums works.

Edit: bro what were you thinking. If an item is useful but literally no one wants it then it would have 0 value. How is demand not affecting wojs

Yes it does lmfao. If it wasnt then sunken swords, oaths etc would never be offered for. Same for headlesses since nobody would ever want them (thats what demand is)

Maybe i should further explain what demand is. Demand can be seen in 2 ways: one including rarity and one without. Its basically opinion + rarity or just opinion. I have already told you how much of a difference there is between people looking for an oath compared to people looking for a woj. 7x times more in a sample size of the last 60 ish trades

What I’m trying to say is woj never had any demand, it’s value was purely from its usefulness

No wtf? Just because mino boots have the shittiest demand in the game doesn’t mean is has 0 value? Its still a gods drop.

You’re right, however usefulness overrides demand, especially with the dead economy.

60 trades over the course of 4 months just further proves my case the economy is fucking dead. With less new players envying sunken swords or oaths, that means less demand overall.

Source: trust me bro

It still has some demand not 0 like i used in my example. Still the reason why it has such low value is because of its demand. You barely find people wanting mino boots

In that case headless would have wayy less value than a hard/powerful sc which isnt the case. So no, theyre pretty equal id say

You completely ignore my argument of how theres is 7 fucking times more demand for oaths compared to wojs. 7
Anyways yes the economy is dead, yes theres less players wanting an oath or ss and yes theres less demand but that applies to all items headlesses. Since every item takes a hit except headlesses theres no reason at all to change heavy wojs into being the most valuable boss drop. Youre free to have that opinion but i can guarantee no other trader will join you in that

As a side note: you can also include oath’s ripoff value into the argument which would even further set oaths and wojs apart. But this is just a side note since ripping little timmy off in game doesnt equal actual value

Headless is unobtainable but ok, we gonna ignore the fact that it’s been that way for 7 months.

I don’t want it to be the most valuable boss drop, the point I wanna make is

This has literally nothing to do with what i said. What i said was that the only reason headless has its value is because of people wanting it not because it gives good stats. If the demand didnt exist or was only lets say 30% of an items value whilst usefulness is 70% then a powerful or hard sc would be wayyy more valuable. If this isnt obvious then just retire tbh.

Depends on the item. Anyways with the >= you mean slightly right? If so i can understand
If not then wtf

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battle of the two titans spreading across every forum post


*One titan vs a wannabe

At least I don’t drain the c*m of every rich traders balls… your known for being a cock sucker lmfao

We both contradict ourselves at this point.

we really dont but lets stop arguing anyways. I stick to my opinion and you are free to stick to yours
im just hoping you understand where my values and the values of many other traders come from

Guess I drain my own balls then lol.


Trader argument number 38095618730568106518036158735816050871349871057183787357786123568102365800736120875017781660778036527850

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