Trading Headless for Strong Sunken Sword

Im able to add some things, strong oath, clean sunken armor, some other goodies

disc: Sul#1791

Headless is worth a sunken sword

I could add some stuff, il edit the post

I’ll give a strong sunken sword for the headless head but I’ll need you to add.

Headless, Full Clean lv90 Sunken Set?

Broooooo, I really want this trade but all my ss is trash enchant :frcryin:

Bet, whats ur username. ill send u a friend req, my username is jeyycub

my user is ChemLord

sent a friend req, ill join you rn

thats an op for a strong sunken

He already did the trade.

That name kinda sussy

Thats the biggest L ive ever seen

It is what it is :man_shrugging: . You won’t be buying a death scroll with these sunkens, but you can with a headless head, so no matter how much he lost, I’d say he can easily retain the value with patience.

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