Trailer discussion

well we will see

You are correct

You are not

It is only after awakening that non magic builds could hit curse users as that is when stuff like weapon aura is obtained and that’s when builds begin to use energy instead of stamina if they didn’t already

Because the dude that’s flying isn’t the final boss

That’s one possible theory, the others being that it’s just a flashback or something that’s happening that’s unrelated to you and the final boss

Hmm, I would’ve imagined glass to be more transparent, though. Currently, my bets are still on the Snow Curse. It’s solid enough to make the cube trail he left behind, it’s white, and you could say a Snow Curse user could fly by making icy wind or something.

Yeah that part was a joke.

he cant have a curse story wise because non-awakened characters cant do damage to curse users in theory

snow is wayyyyy different
(also shhh but i asked a tester they said it was glass)

why not? just have the boss be at a point where you are 100% gonna be an awakened character.

except that we’re meant to get our awakening at the end of the bronze sea, IE after this boss fight

ah didn’t know that we get awakenings that late. will the early access only have bronze sea at first? cause if yes then that is either not that long a story for now, or we be playing a long time without the first awakening lol

we’ll have first awakening on release, but that’s for the end of the bronze sea stuff

I mean i think you could get it at level 120 even without finishing the story entirely, unless vetex makes it a scripted event tied to the story

its tied to story

yeah ik. was just surprised how late and how little it’s gonna be for the story at that point for some time. awakenings seem like a pretty big gameplay mix up so i woulda guessed they came way earlier.

If they came from some sort of bump you got from fort talos, then that would make a lot of sense seeing as you could use the new abilities you got for the final boss and lady carina

I want to be adamant about this. I think vetex could implement it not linked to the story, and it would be funny seeing somebody march up to lord elius having the ability to use two magics

i mean in arcane adventures your second magic was tied to story if that says anything. also i can’t really find a good way of you getting your awakening without it being tied to a story without it being: “wow you achieved level …!!! you are now cool and got your first awakening!!!”

It would make more sense for awakenings to be linked to the story but i wanna see if they’re not actually like that
i’m stupid and stubborn.

Awakenings are tied to some sort of trauma/tragedy that happens to you and causes your mind to awaken(or mutate in aa) and I highly doubt you’d see some sort of trauma outside of the story which is intentionally darker and such than aa

Now I’m wondering, why didn’t the character just awaken after revon’s hatred or the high lord’s trace? The best explanation is that those events don’t come near close enough to causing an awakening.

Cryo can work a freezer