Well, no. You can reverse chemical reactions, or at least do something that effectively reverses the reaction. There’s no reason to believe that the enchantment is bound to the alchemist, only that the alchemist was the one to start the reaction. And you don’t need to destroy matter to take it from something, you can just move it. Or convert it to something.
Not a chemical reaction, but a chemical change. The alchemist has completely changed the original product to something new by exposing to (magical) chemicals. And it would be improbable to convert the new product back to its old form as it would require to reverse the change in the first place which would require the original matter to be destroyed.
Well, if the only way to reverse the change is to destroy matter, doesn’t that mean that the original change created matter? And that, if you don’t count converting energy to matter and whatnot, is impossible. And if the impossible can happen in this universe, who’s to say you can’t destroy matter?
- The original change was created by exposing the (magical) chemicals to the product to create a whole new one. The reason I say you cannot revert the process without destroying matter is because there would be no fundamental way to retrieve the (magical) chemicals added by the alchemist without destroying the matter from it.
- I never said energy could not create matter. I was explaining how magic follows the laws of matter (and thermodynamics) by having to be created from charged up energy.
Ok, but how do we know that you can’t retrieve the magical chemicals? How do we even know that magical chemicals were put onto the item? There are so many assumptions being made here, there’s no way we can know how stuff works.
The alchemist is the reason we assume there are (magical) chemicals since their title (alchemist) and surroundings (concoctions in pots). Considering magic is from exerted energy we can also assume that the (magical) chemicals are magical because of the exerted energy. So we know that the only way to remove the enchantment would be (somehow) taking back the enchantment chemicals (which would make no sense, considering the enchantment chemicals are only reacting to the product) or destroying the enchantment as a whole (breaks law of matter).
If enchantments are adding something to a weapon or armor, we can assume it’s a liquid, judging by the pots, that is somehow used to increase a certain attribute of a weapon or armor. How it is increased, we don’t know. Do they submerge it into the liquid? Is it infused into the material, not unlike adding an alloy in a forging process? We can’t know this for sure. But if it is somehow infused into the material, you’re right - It’s going to be a bitch to get back out, but not impossible. Especially because the alchemist isn’t reforging a weapon or anything, it isn’t being melted down and reinforced. If they alchemist can somehow infuse a liquid into a material, even metal, without having to melt or reforge it, it wouldn’t be too far of a stretch that an alchemist could somehow extract it.
Or we’re both jumping to conclusions, and the pots of liquid is just assorted food coloring in liquids, and the alchemist is scamming people by making them think enchanting is a lot harder than it is.
what are you guys even talking about
nothing is real
reality is false
debating fictional science is always fun. this conversation has enlightened me - the alchemist is running a scam business, enchanting items is actually just dunking pieces of armor and weapons into vats of water and food coloring. The bonuses we get from the armor? Placebo, we think we’re stronger, so we are.
Honestly, I kind of skimmed through the talk about matter. It’s a game about magic, I came here to escape the reality of school.
First part was interesting though then it went downhill for me
I think you should only be able to unenhcnat rare or above level items cause if you say, got nimble on some sunken boots that you spent hours grinding for or the sunken sword and you got hard enchantment on it then you would be pissed.
I’m fully against any sort of unenchantment or enchantment transferring. Makes it way too easy to get the “top” gear and adjust to metas.
You do know that suggestions get flagged if they are inside game discussion right?
Also just to say vetex made it like this way because it was too hard to regular find enchants in the first place and made it not as bad but still hard to get what you wanted.
Which is why im against being able to unenchant stuff to reroll the enchant and or choosing which enchant the rng is there to make it where you cant just get the gear you want in like 4 hours
The alchemist is just trying to make us believe the items are enchanted and extra powerful, when in reality the power came from within after all.
Dude you literally wrote a whole book
Well, it would be great if we had some degree of control over how things get enchanted. We are currently in the early-early-early game here and the items we need to enchant are common in comparison to what we’ll have to enchant later, sunken iron armor, for example, is going to be actual hell to get enchanted properly, and it will control the entire game economy because of that… and that’s the least valuable sunken armor type.
For the enchant system to not control literally everything about an item’s value, players need to have some control over it.
Think about it this way: If every player, with reasonable effort, was able to get their items to adjust to balance changes, there would be less of a problem than the current system. How? Simply put, everybody’s items would actually be capable of the exact same power as every other item with far less RNG stepping in the way.
getting shit enchants is something i’m quite familiar with and made me want to rip my hair out, all in good fun for now i guess
but i’m worried for very rare items in the future, trying to enchant a legendary piece of armor or a legendary/exotic weapon and getting a dogshit enchant on it, i agree that some way to reverse it would be very helpful, fuck whatever lore is connected to enchanting, gameplay mechanics should come first
no please don’t fuck the lore
As I’ve always said, if part of the lore strictly makes the game worse for everybody, then it should be thrown out.
This whole system has to change before something as rare as sunken iron armor exists because that stuff is going to control the entire market, let alone the sword.
If stuff like the sunken gear is going to be this painful to come across, RNG should most certainly not dictate its value.
I don’t get why meta hates the idea of unenchanting so much, if anything, if players were able to actually adjust to metas without a second layer of strict RNG in their way, everybody would be on a more even playing field.
I think the lore should be removed since it limits the player’s ability to make one up in their mind