Trello changes #2, elecrtic boogaloo

Sequel time:

Weapon casting

A gamepass that I am not going to buy. Not because it’s bad, just because it isn’t my thing.

Actually, while I’m talking about weapons and magic. What happened to those tome and wand type items that mages would use to strengthen their spells? Those seemed pretty neat…

Lost spell scrolls

Very nice and all, but what about lost techniques? Y’know, lost spells but for your fists.

Lost/Ancient magic scrolls

Oh good, I can go insane in the lost sea to get these instead of fishing for hours on end.

Treasure charts

Oh sick I can dig for treasu- Hey, is that a Suncry banner I see?

Enchantment scrolls

You ain’t getting all of my galleons THIS time, Drifa!

Cooking + hunger

I will either never use this mechanic, or I will become the ultimate chef. Depends on how good the buffs are.

Power slider

Gonna be honest, don’t really see the point of this one.

Bounty hunting

YES! Now THIS is what bounty hunting should be!

Not only a good incentive for pvp, but also incorporates npcs for players who are just getting started? Fantastic! Maybe there could even be bosses with high bounties that rarely spawn on the boards?


Can’t wait to never find one of these. And even if I do, I’ll probably never get to them first!

Daily challenges

Horny Jail
“Kill Iris using only a wooden club.”
Reward: a cookie

Challenge accepted

Enemy structures

“Absolute fucking moron fights entire bandit camp using only their fists and somehow wins.”


Lets rate every single progression:

7/10: Honestly better than I expected.

8/10: Wasn’t expecting hybrid classes to be able to learn a 2nd magic/fighting style. Aside from that, best of both worlds from Vit and Mag.

9/10: I’m the Juggernaut, BIT-.

7/10: Weapons and shields, what’s not to love?

2/10: The virgin mage vs the chad warlock

11/10: Sees skill size and fighting style scaling


10/10: Warlock’s less awesome (albeit still impressive) younger sibling.

10/10: Warlock + Conjurer’s best bud from middle school. Complete with fast stamina regen.

8/10: A lord of war. Still not as chad as the last 3 tho.

?/10: Still incomplete. I estimate an 8-9/10 tho. Reject magic, return to bow spam.


Well atleast there wont be questions about progression

I’m getting all the builds i want since HOPEFULLY there will be a six files gamepass in AO. Mage is slept on tbh, if u wan tha ancient magic get tha mage.

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Why wouldnt it be here
AO is on the WoM place so we will keep it

Alr, ima buy it soon just in case yk. I gotta review the stat builds rq

or go hybrid for ancient

excited for Berserker


I genuinely believe that ancient magics are gonna be mage-exclusive.

Did you just forgor savant


i dont know guys i think he likes warlock

we be doing a bit of trolling
and make sure you dont kill your friend while praticing ig ? idk i dont have friend pratice much

we dont talk about that here


did we just…
argeed on something ?
how ?
quantum physics forbids this

Quantum physics can go fuck itself

time to learn some quantum physics

Huh, vet said u could? Doesn’t make sense since hybrid builds can only get 1 lost magics AND still have to invest a good amount of points into magic as well.

You can only have a lost magic OR an ancient magic, not both

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yea was gonna say this

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