Typ0's awfully biased and trash opinions on every stat build in AO

also i just remembered, i’m gonna need to aim better so that i can actually hit blasts (which i’m guessing was supposed to be the mage’s main damage dealer until explosions and beams showed up) when 1.12 rolls around

…do i just practice against players for that until i’ve got it down

how far away am i actually supposed to be from people

real funny man

it’s pretty much anti everything. Can also nullify like axe slash or shot from fight style or those projectiles from weapons

because if i’m too close i get hit by everything. including other mage’s blasts
if i’m too far away, even if i’m using fire (which i can’t hit because no aim and little to no AoE crutch that i have on magma), i can’t time it fast enough for the blast to actually be where i think my opponent’s going to be by the time said blast gets there
or i’m overthinking it and it’s actually just “use it when you’re comfortable to then”

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it’s unironic how mage shouldn’t exist…352 dmg without directly hitting(I did win)

the game was called world of MAGIC dude mage is always gonna be THE build

warlock still cooler tho

ah yes

yeah I play conjurer:
Buzz Lightyear Clones : r/MemeTemplatesOfficial

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“i can shoot, bash, cut, and throw real gud, and also be able to wield an extra Two weapons”
what’s that? i can’t hear you over the sound of the RAGING FLAMES that i summoned and set the entirety of ravenna on fire with

I have an explosion warlock and ice conjurer and literally my only reason to make a conjurer was because of sunken and tiger rush kills the weapon but oh well

We do not talk about the viability of the explosion warlock (I’m waiting for stat reset)

conjurers :nerd_face:


Warden not being in-game yet is the reason why I started my no-stat run LOL
I wanted to go warden, couldnt, and chose spite

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what build is bro running

Warrior is meta?! I thought everyone was in the “weapons+magic is just better” camp

anyways warrior aura goes hard :slight_smile:

(I tried editing, then deleted ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)

Ummm actually your wrong! Mage is not broken, just block parry dodge XD honestly a skill issue get better scrub :nerd_face:

Rate my build bro

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calvus buckling in his boots in fear fr