Typ0's purge

I kind of feel like bounty hunting people.

I know I’m usually against it but ngl:

-I’ll only hunt people at my level
-I’ll always give back the money I get from the hunt
-It is technically their fault for having renown to begin with

I’m not the best at pvp so this is a good way for me to improve I suppose, just, playing the game.

What do you guys say

  • Yea sure cool
  • I don’t know
  • mimhere island
0 voters

it’s in the game for a reason :slight_smile:


on a completely unrelated note what is your roblox username?

Hectopopobro, I mostly lurk around on loomian legacy tho

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Now the real question is, what do you intend to do with this information :scream:

Do it DO IT
Give in to the voices

Just don’t be toxic about it :slight_smile:
I like to give them their money afterwards if they dropped it so they don’t feel like they lost anything

No reason to bounty hunt, ngl. Just go up to people with more than 50 or so player kills and say you’re gonna fight them.

And don’t give them the money back - if they want it enough, they’ll kill you to get it back

Gank them to increase your skill, dont listen to people who say “no reason” and dont give money back.

Become a hunta…

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If you’re a mage then come to brazil :upside_down_face:

I ask for money despite not losing any B) stupid bounty hunters.

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there’s no way I’d get 30 exotic scrolls for killing you lolz

Good luck lol!!!


I should probably focus on hunting people with low PKs first, then work my way up slowly

Honestly just give in to PvP, on my first exposure to WoM I really hated random killers just killing anybody walking on the road but as time goes on I REALLY REALLY liked the combat vetex implemented so much that I actually just want to kill a random person for no reason.

AO has bounty hunts so you already have your reason if you wanted to lol.

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A guide on pvp etiquette

The best way to have a mutually enjoyable pvp fight is to message the person you want to fight about whether they would like to pvp. If they ignore the message or say no, then they’re probably not interested.

If you insist on the much more selfish and unpleasant method of rking, make sure to ask the following factors:

  • Are they busy with a chart? Killing them will delete the chart.
  • Are they fishing with luck? Killing them will waste potion duration.
  • Are they loading/unloading cargo? If you kill them, you’ve successfully wasted their time and money (if pos rep)
  • Do they have a castaway on board their ship? Make sure the NPC is safe.
  • Do they have items on their ship that aren’t cargo? Kindly wait for them to sell.
  • Are they fighting an NPC or boss? Don’t attack people if they’re busy.
  • Are they talking to someone? It’s rude to interrupt a conversation like that.

If the person is not occupied, you can fight them.

Don’t go after low player kills, they’re often not pvpers. You can ask anyways.

And the ds, easy repeatable quests you may do for galleons, castaways, and ship sinking passively raise your rep quite a bit, even if you don’t pvp.

Ignore ethics, massacre everything and everybody in your path. Fight 30 Grand Navy majors everyday for practice.

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You know warlocks can throw their hands but explosion warlocks can throw their bod-

with that many conditions you’ll NEVER find anyone to kill

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on god?