A bit late to do this but better late than never I suppose.
Doing this again for the increased level cap. Will probably continue to do this for every update that changes the level cap significantly.
Stat Distribution
Vote which stat distribution you primarily use if you’ve played the class. If you have multiple, vote which one you think is the best based exclusively on your experience. Of course, don’t vote if you’ve never touched the class before.
This isn’t necessarily about which people think is the best, just about what people are using. I think it’s fun to see “demographics” and it will reveal more information on the dumb crosspaths rather than “160 weapons best, next topic”.
Warlock (Vote which ones you are currently using)
Max Magic (167 m | 113 s)
160 m | 120 s
150 m | 130 s
140 m | 140 s
130 m | 150 s
120 m | 160 s
Max Strength (113 m | 167 s)
Something else (comment)
Conjurer (Vote which ones you are currently using)
Max Magic (167 m | 113 w)
160 m | 120 w
150 m | 130 w
140 m | 140 w
130 m | 150 w
120 m | 160 w
Max Weapons (113 m | 167 w)
Something else (comment)
Warlord (Vote which ones you are currently using)
Max Strength (113 s | 167 w)
160 s | 120 w
150 s | 130 w
140 s | 140 w
130 s | 150 w
120 s | 160 w
Max Weapons (113 s | 167 w)
Something else (comment)
Paladin (Vote which ones you are currently using)
Max Vitality (167 v | 113 m)
160 v | 120 m
150 v | 130 m
140 v | 140 m
130 v | 150 m
120 v | 160 m
Max Magic (113 v | 167 m)
Something else (comment)
Juggernaut (Vote which ones you are currently using)
Max Vitality (167 v | 113 s)
160 v | 120 s
150 v | 130 s
140 v | 140 s
130 v | 150 s
120 v | 160 s
Max Strength (113 v | 167 s)
Something else (comment)
Knight (Vote which ones you are currently using)
Max Vitality (167 v | 113 w)
160 v | 120 w
150 v | 130 w
140 v | 140 w
130 v | 150 w
120 v | 160 w
Max Weapons (113 v | 167 w)
Something else (comment)
To make this a little more interesting than the previous topic, here’s an entire section to get more information on Savant.
Not gonna make an option for every conceivable Savant stat spread, so just choose which you think are the most viable. “mainly” means that you put the most stat points into there, unless there’s a fringe build whose playstyle focuses on a stat without having it be the main stat.
Just like with the previous polls, I would prefer if you voted based on experience and not theorycrafting.
Savant (Vote which ones you think are the best/most viable, up to 3 but preferably less)
Vitality Savant / Oraclevant (mainly vitality)
Magic Savant / Magevant (mainly magic)
Strength Savant / Zerkervant (mainly strength)
Weapon Savant / Warriorvant (mainly weapons)
Warlock Savant (focus on magic and strength, playstyle focuses on synergy between them)
Conjurer Savant (focus on magic and weapons, playstyle focuses on synergy between them)
Warlord Savant (focus on strength and weapons, playstyle focuses on synergy between them and uses strength weapons)
Note that Warlord Savant specifies using strength weapons and choosing your stat distribution based on their existence.
Do you think any amount of vitality investment is viable on Savant?
Just a little; as long as it doesn’t majorly affect your ability thresholds
If you’ve played Savant, which stat do you have the least amount of stat points in, excluding any with zero. (if tie, vote both that are tied)
Vitality (least, but not zero)
Magic (least, but not zero)
Strength (least, but not zero)
Weapons (least, but not zero)
I have 3 or 4 stats that are equal/very close to being equal
If you’ve played Savant, how many stat points do you have in Weapons? (if multiple files, choose which you have tried and think is the best)
0 (none)
50 (e.g. mostly enough for poor weapons)
51-129 (e.g. culture weapons or usage of +60 skills)
130 (e.g. mostly enough for average weapons)
150 (e.g. usage of “mostly good tier level 50+ weapons”)
160 (e.g. usage of 60+ weapons and full weapon customization on “mostly good tier level 50+ weapons”)
Just enough for certain Strength Weapon thresholds
Not gonna do one for the other stats as I’m mostly interested in Weapons, since it seems like investment above 50 is pretty bad.
If you have a Savant build, do you regret the stat distribution? (If you have multiple, select based on your most recently created)
No regret
It at least gets the unlock thresholds for good abilities
Very usable, even in pvp, but I wish to change it (just a little)
A medium amount of regret and it’s probably not pvp viable, but will still play on it
I screwed up royally and my build is awful for doing literally anything
Will not touch the file at all
I’ll probably add a dlc to this topic about which classes and stat distributions people find the most fun and which classes people find the simplest to play/hardest to play/would recommend to X type of players. Will probably also go in-depth on exactly which parts of a class people like or think is the strongest.
I wish i’d paid more attention to levels for my knight. I accidently put 170 in wep and made it a warrior. Now I’ll have to wait until we get 2 more levels, which doesn’t seem like it’s coming this update. Hopefully in full release though
Maybe, but that’s usually only when there are some major changes to builds in general, such as the addition of a spirit wep. So probably not, but fingers crossed.
Warlock is the most varied non-vitality hybrid, with a surprising amount of people having a magic Warlock. For some reason people kinda like 130 magic even though it doesn’t unlock anything or get any tier thresholds.
Conjurer is pretty conclusive, people like Flying Phoenix and Sparrow Thrust
Warlord is conclusive but less so, about what I expected. There’s also 7 less Warlord votes than the other two non-vit hybrids, so I guess Warlord fell off? Does that mean it’s time for me to actually finish my ship part themed strength weapon suggestion?
Juggernaut has the least votes despite seeming pretty overpowered. Is this calling for a Juggernaut buff? For some reason a notable amount of (sensible, not the 140/140 voter) people think 160 (in magic/strength) is not important even though unlocking javelin/selino count has a more tangible use than 40 extra hp
Knight is the only hybrid where going for max in a stat is the most common, probably for the extra tier scaling
I guess magic Savant is banned in the Sea League tourneys for a reason. I still don’t understand why, since it’s a Savant build and also because I’m not sure if Savant has access to aura and javelin
Weapon Savants are all at the bottom except for the meme tier savant, probably because half of people here only run 50 in weapons (probably running shield and musket)
Surprisingly people actually think vitality investment is fine. I fully expected it to be a hard no
The influx of voters seems to have tapered off yet this topic has around half as many votes as the first poll. I assume this is implying that Arcane Odyssey is getting boring, a very new discovery on the forums.