Unlockable Magic Variants

Unlockable Magic Variants
effort 4.214285714285714 14 quality 3.823529411764706 17 reasonability 3.476190476190476 21


With the eventual addition of being able to change first magic, I feel like one thing that’d be a nice addition towards that would be the ability to unlock unique magic variants by doing things ingame.

Right now badges only award titles which players can only really see with little exception if they deliberately look for your title.

This isn’t really a solution to any problem, but it is something that I’d like to see.
Admittedly there aren’t many badges ingame right now that make sense for such a reward so there won’t be many examples.

I am fully aware that some of these variants may or may not already be planned as future lost/ancient magics but might aswell throw them in anyways incase they aren’t lol.

The Idea:

Essentially, when completing certain badges or achievements, you can unlock a new variant for a specific magic you can use.
This variant will be equippable through the same means we eventually gain the ability to change first magic and will be accessible on every file.

Bronze Sea Badges:
Bronze Sea Explorer + Bronze Sea Diver → Bronze Metal Magic

Dark Sea Badges:
True Captain → Cursed (dark sea colored) water.
Epicenter Explorer → Obsidian (very dark purple) glass + Ancient (red) lightning
There aren’t any more badges here, but purple fire, purple wind, and plenty more could easily fit into the dark seas as rewards lol.

Leaderboard Badges: (variants do not go away after losing the title)
Emperor of the Sea → Crimson Flame
Monarch of the Sea → Holy light (pure white)
Assassin Overseer → Shadowed ash (dark reds and black)
Navy Admiral → Pulsar Plasma (deep blue + plasma’s natural white)

Tl;Dr :

Getting certain rewards and doing certain things ingame unlocks new unique magic variants for you to use that you’ll be able to switch to by whatever method is eventually added to allow us to change magics.

Feedback is appreciated


yes we need someone with all crystal variants

crystal already has enough variants lol.
I tried to mostly pay attention to magics lacking in variants while picking what makes the most sense thematically.

what would non-magic builds get? i’d prefer that badges either reward something else as a cosmetic that could be used by any build (they already give titles), or they simply stay as a bragging rights thing
the suggested magic variations could either be accessible by default or they should be reserved for losts/ancients

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Non-magic builds don’t have any room for any kind of reward for this in how they function unless weapon vanity and fighting style variants are added, in which case I’d happily write them into the suggestion lol.

Having all these variants just unlocked by default would be cool too but it wouldn’t make sense given the specific theming around a bunch of them (every dark sea variant)

Basic Combat - Wave effects become black?
Boxing - Multicolored gloves?
Iron Leg - Any Metal Magic variant
Cannon Fist - White smoke?
Sailor Style - Any Water Magic variant
Thermo Fist - Fire Magic color?




this is all very cool but unfortunately we all know Vertrex aint adding this cus it conflict with the lore

semi related but how are you cooking with promethean fire in all your suggestions

hear me out

new years badge → fireworks explosion magic
WoM player + file with 500 hours → paper wood magic skin (probably never)
aristocrat/donator badges → golden wind


I just throw out any ideas I deem as bad before I post them or even talk about them lol.

This one in particular’s been sitting around my head for a while now and I have no idea why I didn’t write it sooner when I already decided like over a month ago I wanted to.

No new magic variants are being added.
Especially not for Fire and Lightning, those would make them too similar to lost/ancient magics.
It does not matter if you suggest them, Vetex will outright refuse.

What’s with people copy pasting stuff vetex says in suggestions like the suggestions channel doesn’t exist solely to try to give him ideas and change his mind on certain things?

I literally checked the declined suggestions list before I posted this and this wasn’t in it lol.

the rewards are too specific, i dont think even 10% of players would use them cuz 1. its only for magic users and 2. its only a few magics

also its kinda weird to be rewarded for completing badges with something that you can only use by making a new file (new file which wont even have those titles). ok sure later youll get some sort of method to switch magic but i dont think you should be actively encouraged to switch magic or make new files just for minor cosmetics

…and like others said, vetex said no to new variants already


but like in a game outside of an mmo where you spent thousands on hours on one file (or just outside roblox in general idk) thatd be cool

80% of users are magic tho (estimate by me rn)

Because no one has bothered to try, likely because they know it wont happen.

its not because most people use magic that you should only reward them specifically

That’s a pretty dumb reason not to try lol.
Who cares if its futile? Even if it doesn’t change anything I still enjoy writing suggestions that I genuinely believe would be good for the game and seeing what the community has to say about them.

Even then, with enough community support behind something, something might just change.