(Unofficial) Arcane Odyssey Value List

This value list was created and is maintained by the Solace Legion of Suncry. It was originally created solely for the use of Solace, but it has been decided that it will be released for public use. The items on this list are values of items upon the release of AO, not WoM.

If there are any items you believe should be added to this list, or there are any errors made, feel free to contact abraham#3220 or reply below.


honestly doesnt look too bad


I think a swift weapon enchant scroll will be greater than a powerful weapon enchant scroll. Also headless head for me is very iffy because of whether or not vetex is planning to remove it from trading.

Thanks for the suggestion, but powerful enchants are always the go-to enchantment for nearly everyone. It’s always the go-to enchantment in all games, it’s just that the word powerful or strong is looked upon highly. I’m not denying that swift may be very good or even better than powerful, but it most likely will always be below powerful unless they nerf it to a ridiculous extent. And for the headless head, why do you think Vetex will remove it? So far, I haven’t seen anything that would even hint/suggest him removing it.

so you can look at this list to get trade value

To understand an item’s value, yea

I’ve been thinking he might do this to the halloween update

I doubt it, that seems like it’s separate from regular seasonals to me

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No, I believe that’s a separate tier of items. Vetex already confirmed that he won’t repeat past seasonal event items.

oh. okay.

I agree the powerful enchant scrolls or weapons and gear will be higher valued but at least for weapons doesn’t the powerful enchant only increase your damage by 8 (that’s at lvl 90 enchants) and its set that way? Or did it change in AO and is now percent base dmg or somethin?

Also shoulder crow should be 0.95 instead of 0.90 because I like having a pet bird

Yes, the damage increase in-game in WoM was quite ridiculous in the sense that it was very slight and didn’t seem like it scaled. It doesn’t work the same way in AO from what we know so far.

strong on weapons was broken or some shit
i think powerful sunken armor should be slightly closer to hard if not equal but other than that good list
actually now that i think about it the differences based on enchant are probably too far apart considering disenchanting is a thing

In general, we believe that powerful enchantments will be above hard in terms of armors, but when we’re talking about armors that have a base defense value, because hard compliments that, those will be higher than powerful. Despite this, it is already very close to powerful and therefore we believe it’s fine where it is.

And for your second point, I can see where you’re coming from, with nimble being currently valued at .5 less than its clean counterpart. Even though disenchanting is a thing, you’d still have to get galleons, go to an alchemist and disenchant it. Bear in mind that disenchanting will for sure cost much more than enchanting and galleons will always be a high demand thing with so many money sinks such as ships. I can still agree on moving it to a .4 decrease rather than .5 though.

With that change, would you like to be listed under the minor contributors list?


Looks like things are going good already

Good job guys


Shouldn’t their be a value for items “Originally owned by vetexgames”

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Thats just items touched by god. Infinite value