(Unofficial) Arcane Odyssey Value List

Wait … so all my items are infinite value ?

Yes, shining with blinding light!

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There’s no clear value for items like that, so we can’t exactly value it here.


No they’re infected with covid

Ive been thinking and 4th july seasonals value seems too high compared to other seasonals imo, there is stacks of 500 of them, they got duped to oblivion

There is more of them than any other seasonal idk why they’re over double value from Halloweens

imo they should be under 1.0, amybe like 0.6

they came a few months before I guess?

still they got duped so fucking hard tzhat their value shouldn’t be so hiogh

I agree

@Xevenant what you say about this ?

I think the duped ones got wiped

not all, and since they got randomly distributed there is till ALOT of them

But nobody ever values an item owned by armored soup (ExplodingOveralls) :frpensive:

Who is that ?

That’s something that we considered, but from what I’ve looked into, I couldn’t find any evidence that duped July 4ths still exist outside of hearsay which isn’t concrete enough. Additionally, while there are some people with hundreds of July 4ths, those are a very small minority of July 4th holders and as far as I can tell, are all legitimate.


Sorry for the late reply, I forgot about this, but they were ranked much higher than regular Halloween seasonals because while on an individual basis, there may be more of an individual July 4th item than an individual Halloween, the amount of total July 4ths is presumedly far less than the amount of total Halloweens.

My old boots have infinite value

I dont think enchcants will really have any value due to the fact of unenchantments

They will although said value would only be slightly more or less than clean

Think about it, having a good enchant item will always be better than having a clean item so how would good enchants not be more valuable than their clean version?

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