V1.13 infamy changes

That probably be better since it is mainly for casual play

Sealed chests give 5 infamy now?


Thereā€™d be no point in being a clan to get onto the infamy leaderboard if you knew that there could be guilds that are better at pvp, and there probably would be, because guilds would give tangible benefits for being in them, and clans wouldnā€™t

Peoplesā€™ first consideration when choosing whether to have a guild or a clan isnā€™t gonna be the leaderboard, itā€™s gonna be the benefits that each offer, and how easy those benefits are to get. It would be like if you separated renown into pve renown and pvp renown, and then you made deckhands rely on only pve renown, and then you locked people who choose to get pvp renown from getting pve renown. Even pvp groups are gonna want to rather be guilds than clans, because infamy is designed to make it harder to gain the more of it you have, and pvp is also a zero sum game or even a negative sum game, so in order for a pvp clan to get onto the leaderboard, itā€™d have to be pushing down clans that arenā€™t benefitting from being clans, and those would probably just disband and turn into guilds eventually

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just join a clan it aint that difficult

There should be some kind of guard npc placeable with the build tool that you could justify as a mercerenary hired by the clan
Would be fun fighting trough the different bases people built

ā€œHere it comes!ā€

If I had to guess, Iā€™d predict the infamy wipe just sets your clan back to the base amount of infamy required for your current tier, similar to how the renown wipe only sets you to 1 million

(Of course thereā€™s a large chance itā€™ll end up being more drastic than this)

Oh goodie I was wondering when Vetex would introduce another unfairly punishing mechanic now that notoriety is tolerable.

I wonder if liberating an island even if you canā€™t claim it will still grant you the infamy.

Is the single island per player thing gonna be a thing still?

ā€œunfairly punishingā€

no sane pve player having over 150k renown (youā€™re actually meant to do pvp :exploding_head: )

I understand why but itā€™s so weird to me, mostly because itā€™s treated as both.

For real, Deckhand requirements should be drastically lowered.

what iā€™m worried about is deckhands because leveling them up is really stupid tbh and now itā€™s gonna be harder at higher levels with renown

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