[V1.16 VOTE] Arcane Odyssey Build Survey

Forgot the requirements were low enough for savants to use them, just choose rapier/greataxe.


To that person who is a mage and has 50 in vitality: watchu doing bro

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This is going to be fun considering that I have all of the builds and some variations with magic and fighting style.

hey either my forums arent working, or there isnt plasma, sand, glass, crystal, snow, explosion, ash options for the second magic poll, just letting you know

have cannon fist as my second for easy calvus farms and its ranged power

How many cannonballs do you usually use per calvus? I only had the patience to use cannon fist for a while and I felt like my cannonballs were draining a little too fast

around 50-60 usually since each cannonball does like 100 damage

forgot to update the paladin poll

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me with 6 maxed saves :sob:

@ThatOneGuy yipe

I got three. sonn to be four. Also two files that are a work in progress.

bro do lightning mages even exist like wtf theyre not viable compared to every other mage :skull:

people choose to be a lightning mage because they are basic, not because its viable lol


One of the emperors of the sea, arymm, is a lifeless lightning mage

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no match to magma/metal mages

yeah a 90 damage per hit lightning mage tried to gank me on my sand conjurer once but they did so little damage that i just sat still and spammed sand primal slash and won

As a lightning conjurer, it hurts to read this… primarily because you’re absolutely correct.

Also, sheesh, 90 damage? I’m not even a full magic build and I’m doing at least twice that-

goofiest W to ever exist