Vetcord quotes

basically just Epic forum quotables but for people from vetcord who say unhinged things the second they find out about the forums.


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Darkness and Despair.

cant believe people like this exist

ok but can we get more quotes

“drain them empty”
Nice wording, classic discord

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Who’s gonna tell them @AMultiversalEntity

its just the same guy :fr:

Jesus Christ, they want to farm these two dudes to Neutral all because they have the audacity to express their disinterest in PvP and suggest different servers or PvP toggling? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Typical sweaty PvP behavior :expressionless:

When will these crocodiles realise that AO has more to it than just PvP and people might enjoy those other aspects more. I play it for the plot, not for whatever the current meta is.

But NOO-HO-HO! How dare we not wanna get jumped by meta-schmancers, am I right? That’s just absurd isn’t it?

Should I be terrified?

there’s not many cases where people from vetcord see the forums for the first time and do something stupid

buuut there are many cases where someone from vetcord… does something stupid.
also the entire point of a quotes topic is for people to contribute to it, no?

drain his renown instead

…actually in patreon chat they stated they were just joking…

i was hoping to start a quotes thing for vetcord but it ended up in just full-on slander.
though there has been one case they admitted on almost witchhunting someone, they tp’d to someone who killed their low lvl file twice or so and that’s it before being warned by the syndicate server that this is indeed witchhunting.

i’m probably gonna ask crimson to close this thing down.

that and probably how i feel about the game influenced me on that part too.
if someone says that, my first concern is on the general reputation of the community and the game’s health. i don’t want people to be witchhunted for bad opinions, though making fun of them is fair game.


now i can either ask crimsoncreate to shut this whole thing down or we can get back to the main thing… which is quoting people from vetcord.

i mean honestly it’s not even that difficult, go to general for 5 seconds or heck ask jessica lamina for even 1% of gifs she has on her at all times ( people stay stupid shit )

i mean really pop into general at a bad time, snap a few pics and i’m just gonna rename this topic to “vetcord quotes” at this point


heck bet if i-


fuck i’ll even quote myself


i cant believe this… jokes… impossible…

Nah, I’m good.

learn to trust nothing
sure they could have been joking
buts its someone in vetcord, do you really think they should be held to the same standards as a normal human being?

are we supposed to be racist towards vetcord users

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