Vetex PLS

he’s a solo dev for a reason, and you can’t just hire people to optimize an entire game infrastructure for cheap. Doubt anyone on roblox is even skilled enough to do that.

Bro is bringing a whole dictionary and book of philosphy on me… okay, ill respond too.

Games are ment to be an escape from reality. Why should i ways fail knowing i can succeed if a feature thats already implemented was made even better?

Why cant we join small servers?
Because we arent supposed to have smooth grinding?
Because the pvp will be annoying?
Bounties too easy?

Why cant we join a server in our specific region?
Because vetex doesnt care for his players experiences?(if so WHY MAKE A GAME?)
Because the tides will be ever so slightly evened out?
Because of the devs time?(because ofc AO was made for vetex to enjoy, not for everyone)

Your argument is the same as the " no player marker" argument. You dislike because this feature would make the game more convenient, why?

No, I dislike it because it would make the game easier than intended. And I proposed a solution for your problem of regions, server list aint it though.

Hopefully he doubles the amount of bounty posters because then you don’t end up with 4 mfs after the top ranked guy

yeah lmao, it’s way too easy for everyone to go after the same guy.

You did? Depending on your version of the solution i might actually apologize.

Server lisr easily fixes problem.

I said vetex could implement his own matchmaking, a lot of games do this actually, to mitigate the shitty built in roblox matchmaking. This would be even easier than picking a region out of a serverlist

And id it really that bad to want to join a specific region for optimized FPS?

Plus multiple people’s rival should spawn at once

I hate when my rival spawns and multiple mfs seem to have nothing better to do than drop everything and sail 5000 miles to wind row island just to fight one guy

If it’s this bad on 5 player servers imagine how packed islands with player rivals will be with 18 people

How to revoke a like? I misclicked

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hold on, what are we even talking about here, are you talking about lag? Lag and FPS are two extremely different things.

Not under his control.

BRUH. You are gonna get this post closed. Pinging Vetex once will get it closed, and you pinged him twice. Do you seriously think he has time for stuff if everyone pinged him?

FPS. Lag: Move releases slower due to low FPS

I already saw the warning. I saw others ping him so i thought it wad ok.

WTF, I didn’t ping vetex, who did?
I just been arguing here to pass the time while I grind cargo.

I mean it isn’t your fault entirely that you have a bad PC, but it isn’t Vetex’s at all.

Did you even read the post…? I did.

Not you the key guy who made the post. Did I say that to u?