Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

yay, the halbert is no longer useless!

I mean the weapon skills are in the game, so logistically it was a sound decision. Guess will wait til June for vitality update (its going to be kingdom alignment :trollface:)

Sailord LoL sparrow thrust time

Vetex doing everything in his power to push off developing spirit weapons

Vetex out here edging vitality bros

Getting edged by vetex for the past one and a half years

im praying one of the corsair captains will have a colossal cutlass :pray:

Technically this benefits spirit weapons too since we can do the same with them

Nevertheless weapon builds are gonna be everywhere next update lol

Probably gonna go knight or warlord depending on situation

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weapon savant will be eating well next update

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I think you should multiply wpn lvl x2 and then add skill stat requirement, since he said that the stat requirements would more or less stay the same.
For iron wpns ((lvl 50 x2) + 30/60 of wpn stat req) = 130/160 stat range
Which is around current situation, a bit more a bit less depending on the weapon.

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Gonna be putting piercing shot on my vindicator fr :stuck_out_tongue:

sword draw on shield

gg, we warriors eating good

We won’t forget this betrayal.

GGs, can’t wait to shield bash with other weapons, it’s gonna be so goofy.

not gonna reset my warrior like i had planned

I hope vetex posts a table which shows which moves work on which weapons before the update gets released

If 90% of skills are incompatible with guns I’m going to be disappointed :pensive:
I would love for my crystal gunslinger to get more versatility while keeping the aesthetic

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vetex should just do an entire monthly update based around fixing bugs and memory leaks
anyone who reported a memory leak could get a special leek back item and everyone who helped finding a bug could get a bug net back item
that way the community is also incentivised to help find bugs and memory leeks so it isn’t as difficult for vetex and the testers to do everything themselves

seeing how this update affects weapons I’m gonna be careful dealing with them in case they get wiped again

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