Vitality users rejoice!

isn’t your main build a mage? why is magic 3rd

Changing vitality so much is the big lore change here.
And having a dual spirit weapon build seems pretty interesting to me.

Mage just feels like the right way to play.

nah the lore doesn’t change, there was nothing that said spirit energy made you phyisically more durable. its just creation energy

Where’s the part that says it makes you a vampire?

idk but this allows a lore explanation for vampirism (the fighting style)

Honestly, that makes it more confusing, because vqmpirism is still a full strength thing.

I mean it’s a lost fstyle so hybrids will get access to it one day, only ancients are full strength exclusive

yeah all of the fighting styles have magic aura though. so the ritual could idk replace the aura with one of spirit energy, at the expense of some of your life force, resulting in the side effects

Wh… your point?


i’m just letting you know, not tryna make a point

Why would that be inobvious?

because i assumed you thought it’d only be a berserker thing since you said full strength

Well no, I say that because it’s exclusivelt dabbling in strength, hence full-strength.

ooh mb then :+1:

i just realized thermo jugs will be awesome after this update because they can afford in terms of health to go for the rushdown playstyle, along with the synergies will be sick.

Good, I love thermo and I have a butternaut

bro is NOT a gourd

3 stat savants with vitality/strength/weapons will go hard :fire: