Vitality users rejoice!

Savants when they reach level 600 and can finally use the iron weapons (Hybrids/Pures have been using better ones for a while now):


pffff yall have rookie numbers I’ve got a 5 stat savant (they forgot ███████.)

He has the hidden… cuteness stat???

at least we get colossal cleave :relieved:

savants when they reach level 400 and get the ability to use cannon spell

Unironically, they need level 350 for the ultimate art :skull:

savants when they reach max level just to finally be able to change the casting animation for the default blast

level 600 savants when they need to dedicate 51% of their points to magic in order to get lost magics

Savants were planning to rock those lost magics until Vetex said level 600 was the cap, and now they’re also stuck to 40% of their stats at most for individual stats iirc.

im hyped for spirit wall, the possibility of blocking attacks with it sounds great. the other 3 skills are patrimony exclusive and likely related to lightning

nah we get 50% now, and also the fact that if we have like 59% but not enough to make 40% we are savant as well (so 59% 39% anything else or 59% 20% 20% 21%)

I thought this was removed, didn’t Savant’s get capped?

Yeah okay so wiki says 50% cap, but no two stats over 40%.
So congrats, you have enough stats for Mud Magic.

i hope we still get access to ancient magics (even if it means we have to get 50% magic for all the base skills only). I mainly want to see what i can do if i get lunar magic 2nd and see its effects (hopefully its a better soaked). That or healing/regeneration for some heals since i don’t really use 2nd magics (assuming it takes 0 to learn but has higher stat req)

Lunar is a Lost Magic, which hybrids can totally get.

Ehhh… You had a chance when the level cap was originally planned to be 1000.

man can’t even blast

Still wanna know why knights can’t get another slot

Because weapons are not inferior to other weapons based on whether or not they use vitality

this implies magic and strength are inferior to weapons because they have another slot

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I didn’t specify which one was inferior, it’d obviously be Weapon Weapons because they suck!!!