Vitality users rejoice!

Chat dont listen to this guys opinion they clearly just want knight to be oracle (i do too tbh)

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If you want to not have spirit weapons take up a weapon slot, then why did you equip it? How do you think this works, people?

BECAUSE ITS PART OF THE BUILD. if you dont want to use spirit weapons, play warrior. if you dont want to use weapon weapons, play oracle when it releases. if you want to use both, then you should have the option to be able to utilize both fully


But maybe I’m thinking about it all wrong.

Why does an amulet take up a slot for swords and stuff? Wouldn’t it take an armor slot?

I think the issue here stems from the naming. if they were called “spirit artifacts” would you still have this problem with the idea of special slots?

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Probably not, because they’re still weapons in everything other than the fact that you don’t need weapons stat.

and magic is strength in everything except its more zoning and uses the strength stat. but warlocks can exist while using both can they not?

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If it acts like a weapon, is called a weapon, is programmed the same as a weapon, can be used as a weapon, and is harmful to those it is used on, it is a weapon.

stocksounds on their way to say hybrid builds shouldnt exist because “you are getting to use more stuff than necessary!” my brother in the arcane arts THATS THE POINT OF A HYBRID

Well, don’t go correcting me on something I didn’t say. Schizophrenia comeback

ok then if using a bunch of stuff is ok then let us have spirit weapons and normal ones without the expense of the other one.

You can’t carry more than three weapons, so you can’t carry three weapons and one spirit weapon.

Where was this enthusiasm when I said you have a point?


what i’m seeing you say here is basically “knights can’t have extra slots for spirit weapons because you can’t carry more than 3 weapons”

stop restating ur point and actually provide reasons


You’ve been ignoring every point so far, you just keep cycling back and forth so im just gonna summarise this for you again

As i’ve said before despite having the word weapon in their name Spirit weapons are their own arsenal. Oracle is a class which utilizes spirit weapons while Warrior is a class that utilizes normal weapons. Knight is a hybrid of both so just like other hybrids it should be able to use it to it’s full potential.

If you’re saying that they both function like weapons so they should share the same slot then you’re completely ignoring fighting styles and magics which both work exactly the same customization wise.

If you say that Vitality’s main gimmick is it’s health then you’re just wrong. Not only is that getting removed but it’s true main gimmick was always going to be spirit weapons.

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You know what? Good idea.

give this man an award they actually changed someones opinion in a argument on the internet. :1st_place_medal:

Imagine playing vitality

It barely acts like a weapon, it’s more of an accessory that gives some abilities, what’s so hard to get about that? Weapons use weapon notes, you can interchange strength weapon skills with regular Weapon skills, spirit weapons use rites, they’re totally different and incompatible, you call them weapons JUST cuz they are an item that let’s you use skills, that’s a VERY broad definition.

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