Vs Battle

But he has multiple curses and curse users can turn into the element their curse represents

Durza canā€™t turn into any curse, an absorption curse user can not turn into the curses they absorb

Oh fr? Where does it say that

i donā€™t think you know how OP GER is thenā€¦

Iā€™d argue heā€™d still lose against Love Train but I guess thatā€™s just me

Does Star Platinum: The World count as an evolved stand here?

itā€™s literally just old sp what do you mean itā€™s an evolved stand

Durza would probably not die to love train since he has no heart to damage but d4c love train is practically immortal anyways

Itā€™s just Jotaro realizing his power, not his power changing so ya it wouldnā€™t be an evolution

Replied to wrong person

Depending on how you spin it, itā€™s an unlocked ability that was awakened at some point later than the standā€™s awakening itself. I personally donā€™t think it counts, but thatā€™s why Iā€™m asking in the first place.

Oh ok, even though technically thatā€™s the same with Echoes because he didnā€™t lose the previous acts so itā€™s not like the power was changing. It was purely additive.

An addition is still a changeā€¦

His stand developed for the scenario, it would not have developed into what it is now if it had different scenarios, star platinum would always be able to stop time even before jotaro realized it

That would mean Jotaro discovering Time Stop would be a change bro.
He goes from not knowing TS to knowing it.

Anyway this is diverting from the main point.

The stand didnā€™t change, the userā€™s knowledge changed

Itā€™s whatever, I could still keep arguing because I think the Time Stop was a last minute asspull from Arakiā€™s part, but imma just kill the potential beginning of an irrelevant argument.


Round 1 and Round 2 goes to JoJo because shit like Cream, the World, and the Hand exists. The World and Star Platinum destroy any non-curse user because look at stats, and any physical element or non-elemental curse user gets completely destroyed by the 4 stands I just listed.

The only issues are people with things like Fire Curses and stuff. Maybe Cream could do something, but it will probably die.

I donā€™t know how strong the gods are so Iā€™ll go ahead and say I D K for round three.

Uno reverse card.

There was foreshadowing in the openings and multiple episodes but sure, thereā€™s probs a lot more foreshadowing in the manga

Peacekeeper is not more OP than GER bro, trust me.
GER literally uno reverses anything that can possibly be done to it. The stand is also independent, so Giorno doesnā€™t even need to know that his life is being threatened for it to activate, and stands like GER are stupid fast so itā€™s not like Peacekeeper can realistically sneak attack.

The openings and multiple episodes made after the source material was already made like more than a fucking decade ago? I said Araki made the asspull, not David Productions.

Also I donā€™t remember any Time Stop foreshadowing in the manga bro. Just saying.

Fair, still satisfying tho

Golly gee if there was someone in the Arcane Universe that can rewrite reality in someway shape or form