Wall AOE patch is a horrible awful feature and needs to be removed immediately

So a few years ago some idiots decided to cheese commodore kai for his Saber since it sold really fucking well (me included) and this resulted in vetex adding a feature to disable aoe from damaging npcs through walls, a reasonable feature on first glance, until you remember that destruction exists. If your enemy is in a crater, an attack that normally would deal damage to them does nothing at all, resulting in you missing hits that you really shouldn’t, but thats not even close to the main issue. The issue is that now, if npcs get stuck in walls or the floor (happens pretty often with destruction), there is NO WAY to hit them besides cannon allegedly (never actually works for me). This is particularly egregious in castrum, where a centurion or something can be stuck deep in a wall making them impossible to hit. This feature should either be removed entirely or at least only apply to bosses so that npcs getting stuck don’t become invincible.


Learn situation awareness before raging like a baby, easy ban


Learn to read my thread before commenting, easy ban.

I do think it should be reserved for bosses/minibosses only
Like you can smite an Atlantean through a wall but an ensign is invincible if they’re under a 1x1 stud block of rubble


found vetex’s alt



also give them a way to phase through walls to reach you (cough cough valerii)

I think the best solution in my eyes is to have certain walls and stuff block damage, and others not. Stuff like destructable terrain is automatically excluded, and the only things that should be included would be stuff like the unbreakable walls of Silverhold, as an example. Basically give some walls anti-cheese

I just want the feature gone since it adds nothing in the game and does not succeed in preventing cheesing, while also making the game significantly worse for normal gameplay

I feel like there’s a lot of features in AO that are just band-aid fixes to problems that cause the overall game to feel worse.


I tried to fight merlot the other day but I couldn’t beat him because he kept hiding behind terrain constantly which made it pretty one-sided because he could damage me and I couldn’t damage him

One that comes to mind is when vetex decided afk waiting for pumpkins to respawn was an issue (?) So he decided to make food not regrow if the player is nearby. I don’t know who was complaining about this or why it was an issue

Like wall patch, this didn’t actually do shit as you could just leave for 5 minutes and come back instead

Bro wasn’t this problem already fixed when he made it so that Kai couldn’t be damaged through walls???

no actually the problem was created when he made it so that kai couldnt be damaged through walls

What what how

please read the topic before replying i am begging you guys :sob:

I’m saying why did vetex remove the ability to damage npcs through walls when commodore Kai (the reason you state for the change) was already immune to wall aoe?

what are you talking about? he wasnt immune to wall aoe

video showcases the old cheese

That was patched in the first update you’re like a year late

what are you on about he implemented a fix for this cheese disabling damage through walls globally, commodore kai never had any specific immunity

i KNOW its an old update, its just that its only negatively effecting us most now after castrum drop

Not globally, only for certain npcs