Wall AOE patch is a horrible awful feature and needs to be removed immediately

Also I think it would be less of an issue if it was the other way around too, where npcs can’t hit you through walls either

the issue is npcs becoming invincible when they get stuck in walls (mainly an issue in castrum), them not being able to hit you back doesnt help that

But it would make fights not feel as unfair

“…But what if instead fighting him directly, we attacked him with aoe attacks that damage him through walls…?” ahh moment

“doing this 1v1 solo is not happening, I did it once and that’s just because I’m a parry master” bro it is not that deep you just play at a safe distance even i knew that way back then :sob:

you dont understand…it would be unfair to the level 23 castrum npc if he got hit through a wall

desperate tempest spam trying to destroy enough terrain to get him out because castrum is broken

idea: instead of all parts counting for this it’s only indestructible parts


This doesn’t solve castrum though, as the walls they’re stuck behind are indestructible. Having it exclusive to bosses (or removing the feature cause it doesn’t actually fucking work) is a better solution

just get better walls then

There’s no point in keeping the feature at all tbh because it’s completely nonfunctional for preventing cheesing bosses (it’s very easy to cheese bosses with explosive barrels still, or in Amelia’s case… t jumping…) and only serves to make castrum even shittier than it already is.

Makes it much more annoying to complete any fights in any kind of setting, and the problem is exacerbated by the fact that NPCs can still hit you through walls.


Signature bandaid patch

-Fails at its intended purpose
-Makes combat (and castrum) significantly shittier
-Was only added to solve a “problem” that nobody had

And somehow I am seemingly the first and only person to talk about it

When one band-aid fix somehow made the next piece of endgame pve content completely miserable to do

And i have yet to hear from anyone who thinks this feature is actually good, so until someone who thinks that decided to comment their view, I can’t see a single upside to this

it’s the best feature because it leads to posts like these and these posts are funny :nod:

This isn’t even me crashing out it’s just me pointing out a bad feature calmly
THIS is crashing out: Why do you lose so much infamy on death?

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i haven’t laughed once reading this post doe

well that’s a you problem

this feature is dogshit and was perhaps the worst solution to this