Walls problem

Why hight tier walls can be only destroyed with ship weapons?

Because ship weapons are currently useless in most pvp scenarios


cause they’re stronger

Im very sure my 300 attack size ultimate art hammer blast is stronger than a silly cannon salve

What @MrYes said and to make them stronger by removing one method of taking them down.

The real question is: Why is clan-building going to be so one-sided (It will stop weak clans from capturing islands as they would have less players to attack with and will be facing stronger defenses and more players)?
This will really only increase the amount of toxicity in Arcane Odyssey, specifically due to how it will repel players (new and old alike) from making and building new clans (causing the community to stagnate).


Technically speaking you can always glitch trought walls or at least the thin ones

I’ve edited the reply, feel free to re-read and edit yours.

I havent seen any toxic players since nimbus came out so its pretty fine now, as for low clans they should be sent to servers with similar infany

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Just like Prometheus from AA, Vetex lacks foresight

Is prometheus one of characters to dont get retconned?

It takes both a wealthy imagination and a competent intellect to emulate a being that isn’t you, they say.

Well they are called siege weapons, so it would make sense for their primary purpose to be assailing a fortress.

Plus I believe I’ve heard that the most expensive tiers of walls can have costs in the very high thousands, so it would be a bit of a disappointment if they were to be destroyed with regular attacks.

Didnt we destroy whole fort island in a fight with semi retired out of prime argos? Im pretty sure with some attack destruction gems it should be possible

Yeah but the problem is, we don’t have a general argos to throw at people’s walls, so we have to use siege weapons


yooo you can siege an island with ship siege weapons I was hoping you would be able to do that in the update

It’d be really really lame if you put up a wall, all that wad spend on it, and then somebody just broke it with their bare hands.

minecraft lore:

To do it in a timely manner (aka before someone drops an anvil or lava on your head) you need a tool (pretty sure bugs that undermine core game mechanics aren’t canon)

Double beam?