Wanderlust [OC Backstory]

Magnolia’s heart aches to see the world below the clouds, after a fateful discovery in her father’s study. She wanted to see lush forests that stretched across endlessly, rivers that sang their way to the sea, and the gentle ballad of ocean waves, kissing then departing from crystal-clear shores.

Wonders of the War Seas don’t stop with the sights alone; tales of great sea beasts, each one bigger than the other has piqued her interest as she flips through page to page.

She ponders, daring to question whether the people living beneath the sky would be anything different to that of citizens of the cloud.




Girlie wanted to look at fish so badly they then turned to staring at atlanteans. M o o d.

(this her? FISH )

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That IS her

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Professional sea glazer

mfw she’s gonna get ganked by 3 assassins for that sweet sweet bounty

is this a skyhallian

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Love the concept!
Would be cool if you’d make a mini updates of her adventure through out the sea, like her own journals with drawing and such.

But seeing the drawing of sharks kinda reminds me of that one person who made a fanbook in google doc about sea monsters of AO. Would love to see Magnolia’s take on that.

and btw
Romeo and Juliet
Seadwelver and Skyhallian

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they’re so fr for this


this is hella cute tbh a child who is really curious about the world below her

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Her bounty would be one sand dollar and some pocket lint

Hold up, someone made a fanbook of sea monsters??

Yeah, i saw a while back someone made a google-doc in style of a book, where they went over sea monsters. Cant really remember the name, but it exists somewhere on forum, will try to find it now.

Bruh, its not even in Writing
Took me a while but “book” and “google.doc” in search helped.

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Just wait until she visits cirrus island