War Seas Vs. Seven Seas

Is torren non cannon? A dark sea ghost mentions both of his titles

we probably won’t fight pk, but tech did say ao mc would be stronger at the end of the game

Are levels universal? I never played WoM but i see people with like 20k levels in images and wonder what is going on.

We don’t know much at all about the strength of war seas characters in later seas, so it’s kinda hard to say.

However, it can be assumed that mages and soldiers in general in the War Seas are more advanced and well trained than those in the Seven Seas. They also likely have better war technologies (aka stronger navies).

It can only be assumed the War Seas have a higher populace since we know there are a LOT of kingdoms there and it overall seems to not have been hit as bad as the seven seas region was when Durza exploded.

They also obviously have much more curse users than the SS’s, and some like Nero are capable of destroying an entire well trained army and kingdom-sized island.

The SS may have some very strong individuals, but I think the pure numbers, skill/technology, and potential of the War Seas outweighs those few.

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Adkins probably couldn’t, Theos was level 1500 at a mere 10% of his power, and keep in mind, he was 987 years old, and far past his prime. Imagine durza, who has only been growing more powerful over the centuries, and hasn’t been aging at all.

I was thinking that too, which just leaves Martin to solo the Seven Seas himself

I think WoM levels were like “1/2” of a AA level, or 1/4. Not sure what the conversion is from AA to AO, probably 1-1 tbh

Thats a fair point, but in a universe like AO, stronger characters tend to be ‘one-man-army’ type people, so loads and loads of soldiers cant do much to strong curse users who could just wipe them out with a large AoE move.

It was 1/2 because magic becoming less powerful in humans over the thousand years. Given that AA and AO take place in basically the same time interval, levels should be the same

I guess, then it comes down to just lore characters vs lore characters, in which case we don’t know enough about the 5 other war seas to say.
All we can really say on that is that the war seas likely has more curse using strong guys?
And for all we know Wotan could either be as strong as Cursebeard or get wiped by one of his commanders, I could see it going either way based off how the story goes.

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also pretty sure the magic gene weakening over time thing was decanonised anyway

I agree theres many more curse users in the War Seas, it just depends what curses they have, seeing as they can already tell how strong a curse can be (cloud curse called weak), so if its like slash curse, maybe a grand fire curse or a curse of a mutation, then yeah Seven Seas will have a tough time even with Theos, Trigno and Averill. However, I think it’ll really come down to the strongest of the strong duking it out like Wotan, Durza, End of story AO MC and Peacekeeper, since once their fights are finished they’ll likely wipe out anyone else left on the opposing side.

War seas wins because half of the 7 seas characters are already dead :fr:

Is the PK even still in the sea or have they said south yet.

Not yet

Rear Admiral Adkins solos

Possibly? We know for a fact at the start of AO they haven’t, but by the end of the bronze sea its been 2 1/2 months since the start of the bronze sea story and 3 1/2 months since PK defeated Durza. It is possible that by the end of the bronze sea story PK has defeated Hades and begun sailing south looking for the absorption curse. Though since Hades is already said to have been far south chances are if PK has defeated hades he has probably only just started sailing even further south for the absorption curse, maybe at the same time we left windrow.

The Sevens Seas theoretically has cleaner water than the War Seas, so by default the Seven Seas wins.

I mean, obviously the War Seas has less trustworthy water since there’s an entire sea of pollution and magic radiation LITERALLY right next door. It doesn’t even take ten minutes with a caravel to get to the Dark Sea. It’s unlikely at least some of that unclean water doesn’t seep into the War Seas, even if the Atlanteans themselves can’t come into the main Sea.

Of course, the Seven Seas DOES have a racist sky island, but the other pros outweigh that one con.

  1. The War Seas is in constant danger of collapsing, unlike the Seven Seas which ISN’T surrounded by a giant death trap known as the Dark Sea.
  2. The War Seas is LITERALLY called the War Seas… cmon, you can’t get any worse than that.
  3. The Seven Seas has a much better world government force than the War Seas does. No PVE demon Arcane Government players in the Seven Seas, no sir.
  4. The Seven Seas has better guns than the War Seas, which actually makes the War Seas a fraudulent sea. How can you call yourself a sea of war and your guns are MEDIOCRE at best??
  5. The Seven Seas has the PK, who block parried and dodged Durza(probably)
  6. The War Seas doesn’t have The/os.

no contest. Seven Seas wins low diff