War Seas Vs. Seven Seas

Seven seas has a bad twist villain with Hades so thats something I guess

Saying the ag has better law enforcment and the guns are better in the seven seas is wild

gasp, Hades, the god of death once again depicted as a villain in media? Oh dear, what a surprise!

500 damage pistol.

570 musket m1

Its more that he makes Durza into basically a non-character with zero agency and he himself only shows up in the last 4 paragraphs of the lore document.

And I will say this, although the law enforcement was maybe a little bit too extreme in the AG, atleast THEY ACTUALLY ARRESTED CRIMINALS! Here in the War Seas, the Grand Navy pretty much just wastes resources tossing a bunch of soldiers and hoping eventually they’ll manage to arrest the target. And then the player Grand Navy guys are a different story…

God of death :skull:

Yeah, but that’s not BASE damage.

Now now, would you rather pick a stronger pistol that sucks ass in movemented combat or any ao gun?

Listen, in the Seven Seas you can deal that much damage WITHOUT any power gear. But in the war seas, to deal 570 damage with a musket, you need drawback, full power, you have to sacrifice all your defense and other stats just so you can finally two shot people.

In the end, the Seven Seas just has… better guns.

Stronger pistol, 1000 damage grab btw

Land it


1: not really, and both are surrounded by the dark sea, it just wasn’t in AA gameplay.
2: Constant war is more interesting then constant poverty :cold_face:
3: The grand navy is less corrupt, has more members and larger bases, and is better at their job then the arcane government what are you on about smh
4: Idk man the war seas has much better cannons which are just really large guns so
5: True but rear admiral adkins solos I fear
6: True…




what? the entire world is covered in dark sea, every sea cluster is surrounded by it on all sides

Seven seas has Freedrock

And Morock if we include him in the fight