Warden's discussion

yeah he knows that it’s not and you would know he knew if you read the message above yours
edit: if that came across as rude sorry :sob:

I just did :nod:

i don’t really care but it better win the first community vote

The most likely winner will be Arcanium weapons, this is simply due to the large amount of conjurers in the community

My guess for spirit weapons will be a combination of 2 things

  1. The first path would be using items from strong deceased hero’s/villain’s of the past whose items have been unintentionally imbued their items with their “soul” or whatever you wanna call it allowing them to use said items special skills by summoning the weapon owners “soul” or wardens could imbue their own soul onto an item to create their own skills. (Basically zanpaktou from bleach)

  2. Wardens could use their own soul to create summons to help them aid them in battle (picture stands from jjba)

  1. They’re just re-skinned weapons that consume health instead of energy when using their skills

No reskins! Leave that to conjurers smh

As a vitality lover myself, while I’d hate it if they were just reskins, it’s always a possibility

i don’t think they’ll just be normal weapons but costing health, that’d be too boring and samey, and also raise the question of why normal weapon builds can’t use them or why it doesn’t require weapons stat


Vitality brothers we are making history this year


Also, the few hints we got on spirit weapons made me curious…

Pristine pointed out that since Spirit weapons burn health- Wardens have 0 use for an energy bar. So what does the energy bar do in this case… Hmmm…

And Spirit weapons? Gift of the gods? The ghosts in the dark sea hint at their purpose and history.

Wardens will most likely be able to restore hp via charging, either that or they’ll just receive reduced hp costs with spirit weapons

Maybe the energy bar will be like a shield bar that you can charge to tank damage from other players? A la Fortnite

also how are new players going to get spirit weapons considering how vetex said they were rare or something in lore?

its rare finding a spirit weapon user in lore, but we are the main character

I feel that spirit weapons are something you don’t necessarily obtain, but something you summon, similar to magic.
My current head canon is that spirit weapons are straight up people you summon (sorta like a stand), with tucker being the first spirit weapon you get.

Warden should be like a summoner class, where you summon the power of spirits imbued into the weapon.
Imagine summoning a bunch of ghost NPCs to directly fight for you.

That may be just a pinch too busted though

That sounds unpractical af

not really, imagine; while the ghosts are jumping your enemy you join the fray and they get beaten to a pulp

Spirit weapons seem to be related to your own soul, not others