Warding Changes Feedback Thread

Hey all. Today we put some changes to Warding’s effects onto the balance document, to arrive with the next update to the game.

These changes are primarily aimed at making Insanity something that cannot be fully ignored, solving the issue of Atlantean + Virtuous gear being miles more efficient than normal enchantment setups. For reference, a full set of Virtuous + Atlantean gear gives ~140 more defense than a full set of Armored gear, equal to about three more Armored scrolls, at no cost.

HOWEVER, we do not want to overly impact the PvE experience with PvP-focused changes. Options should still remain to mitigate its effects for content like the Dark Sea. Please let me know your thoughts.

Ward 4 to prevent insanity 1?
I feel like that’s a bit excessive, considering most people stay at insan 1 for chests. The visual stuff gets irritating when you’re trying to sail or fight atlanteans. Maybe lower the requirement to prevent insanity 1 but have the rest of the insanity tiers require more?

Could be done, but remember that we’re buffing all of Warding to compensate. At Warding 3, for instance, you’ll have a 2.2x multiplier on the delay between Insanity effects occurring, and 30% less duration on all other effects.

If we go three tiers down, such as making it so that Warding 3 can counteract Insanity 1, and Warding 5 can counteract Insanity 3, everyone currently finding use out of Virtuous + Atlantean gear will simply take one Atlantean Essence off of their setup, and very little changes.

I get your point. I don’t really keep up with PvP or meta builds, but I see this is quite a problem. What I meant is having ward 2 - 3 negating insanity 1, but insanity 2+ still requires these changes so that insanity 1 doesn’t get affected, but insanity 2+ still does.

Already shut down by Vetex; sorry for wasting yall’s time w/ discussion. Still looking for alternative solutions to the problem, if you all have any.

why tho
isnt warding supposed to get rid of insanity
this literally doesnt make sense, you’ve made warding as a stat not actually have benefits to running a lot of it because it no longers does what it’s supposed to do

I believe Warding’s role should be mitigating Insanity, not nullifying it. Either way works; just need a solution to the Virtuous + Atlantean problem.

running virtuous is actually quite the investment already, i think nerfing it’s defense would probably help more than this

Either that or lowering the defense from atlantean essence to be less effective

i am glad but i do understand your concern on virtuous+atlantean with the coming atlantean buffs

The problem with nerfing Virtuous or Atlantean outright is that we have certain stat values that the game follows; 1 Power = 9 Defense = 3 Alt-stat. We can’t lower Atlantean’s defense specifically, and Warding is generally worth 6 Power = 54 Defense = 18 Alt-stat.

All Defense could be removed from Virtuous to fix the problem, but then Warding is worth more, meaning that the Theurgist set would remain pretty terrible.

theurgist set should give power as well since it’s basically just the wizard set
virtuous not giving defense makes running theurgist instead of enchants more viable. I suppose taking away a gem slot could solve the problem of it being too good

gg, even vetex has limits on sheer horrible ideas

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damn shit on

in all seriousness though i do still see the underlying point they’re trying to make about nigh-drawbackless atlantean once the buff goes through

this one’s sanity has crumbled

We’re probably just gunna nerf Virtuous a little. It’s only a band-aid; Atlantean + Virtuous still makes the Armored enchantment pointless. Regardless, it’s all we can really do for now. This will likely continue to be a problem as we go later into the game, but what can you do.

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i wouldn’t say it’s pointless, but it does feel objectively worse than going atlantean+virt and getting more spread stats that could benefit you more than raw defense

yeah this is a good change
especially with the coming patch where (supposedly) the downside of not being able to go very far into the dark sea is being removed

the real downside is getting further into the floating point inaccuracy zones and getting flung off your ship constantly because roblox doesn’t really like when you leave the origin of the map