Warlock - Everything YOU need to know (full version this time because no one else will do it)

Ong :sunglasses: :muscle:

Common warlock W

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damn brah you got me kinda wanting to go warlock instead of mage

Yes ! Warlock better ! Join the Warlock gang !

since like it’d be cool to have some badass fighting style but it depends on how many magics i’m able to have at once, including like lost magics and stuff like that, a fighting style with two lost magics would be fucking awesome lmao.

My guide better tho ngl

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40 magic/60 strength warlock >>> all

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completely factual ngl

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fr fr




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Welcome to the forums! I would highly suggest that you caution yourself while using this website.

Fun Fact

I exist.

Warlocks winning.


doesn’t 60% of a stat classify you as a full build?

Yes. However, to be a “pure” warlock, you gotta be 100% either magic and strength, and have the to stats balanced enough to be a warlock.

Theos was clearly a warlock (he used shot skill)

you said nothing but facts my guy. Warlock UP

warlord negs!!!