Way to reverse ships ( ? )

Way to reverse ships ( ? ) https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/optimized/3X/0/8/08d97c1d418bd079b98290f172b9a16919f68fb4_2_1024x894.jpeg
effort 1.625 8 quality 2.875 8 reasonability 4.2 10

where did you talk about ships in ao having engines, i’m not even suggesting that?

because that’s literally in the first sentence you posted

Also the 19th century (ironclads)

you get my point

you mean this sentence?

i said “like” dude, it’s how they are in roblox studio they just go forward like an engine, no matter the wind direction, no matter they’re trapped somewhere they go full speed in whatever direction, i think you misunderstood what i said? it’s still not right to jump to conclusions like that

ironclads used steam engines tho

this painting from the 1800s is our evidence here

he edited that 2 times

you sent what i originally said dude it was “it’s weird how ships have like an engine and can only go forward”

no because it depends on the wind

doesn’t change what he meant

they also aren’t in the game

we all know resilience has like no noticable effect we don’t even know if it works i think it works as in wind going all directions or something

^ above talking about ingame

it does

what does this have to do with the suggestion again

can you start posting things with evidence and not make bizarre claims like that out of nowhere without any proof backing it up

i said that cause i did the research before when i was trying to see what’s best for ship speed, so i made that claim with prior research, what did you make this claim with?

case closed, it was all a misunderstanding.