Ways to increase skill

saber, triasta, SoS/rapier/staff

I’ve been experimenting with Musket. I’ve got decent aim, but it’s not a good idea for me to use it a whole ton.

I guess that’s true, in a way.

sabre and triasta are definitely must haves in most situations, I wouldn’t bother with the musket however that thing is awful for pvp.

never used the rapier so I can’t give any tips, staff is alright I guess but there’s better options, I personally want to run poison daggers or sanguine so you get access to a good mobility move known as “spiraling fury”

no idea what SoS is though.

I also recommend using a greataxe or a ravenna greatsword since those both have amazing moves in striking gale / tempest respectively.

claws are a horrible weapon in a 1v1 with a good player

yeah don’t ever use claws, primal swipe is aight but beast instinct is really underwhelming

just random kill

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tbh primal swipe sucks too, beast instinct is good for PVE in my opinion

do not.

“just random kill” aight bruh

Overall my ideal builds would be:

ravenna greatsword/sabre/triasta

poison tooth dagger/sabre/triasta

ravenna greatsword/poison tooth dagger/sabre or triasta

Sounds solid. I don’t use greatswords much, but it’s nice to have.

Tempest is a really valuable move imo as a finisher because it’s basically warrior’s version of a self explosion

After doing some joke battles with a friend of mine, I found using a Sword to be more reliable.

You can actually move with the “self explosion” if you move right. The grab is very consistent, too.

ok here’s my solution:

wait until you get that upgraded pc so you don’t have 800+ ping

yeah thats basically it i mean when the time to actually defend yourself comes you wont be fighting in some fancy arena so the best thing to do is to just gank people, adapt to your surroundings and fight a variety of different builds

Don’t need it. I use my moms computer, gives me 30+ FPS now.

I’ve never used the ravenna sword, so maybe I’ll try it out later idk.

I tried it already. It’s so annoying finding a player that wants to fight, losing against them, and then having to find another player AGAIN. I just ask for 1v1s now.

Also, I already know how to fight in every environment.

the fact that you’re not half bad and yet 30+ fps is an accomplishment instead of you’re under an explosion magic placed explosion

I can’t wait til fps/ping is not an issue