Weapon Obtainment

Weapon Obtainment
effort 4.666666666666667 3 quality 4.6 5 reasonability 4.8 5

Getting weapons is lame and annoying, and there are a lot of missed chances for weapon obtainment.

Sure, weapon chests exist, but honestly should we REALLY be restricted to getting weapons from a randomly spawning(and honestly rarely spawning) chest? If your saying yes, I want you to rethink your answer.

Problem One: Bad news for weapon users

You spawn in at Dawn Island, get your rowboat and go to Redwake. You want to be a warrior, but you can’t find a weapon chest.
With the 3 hour trading restriction, some players might find themselves using a dagger and a gun(gun quest at redwake) until Frostmill, and that’s no exaggeration.
Although it’s not a big problem, it’s still annoying.

Problem Two: Armourer NPCs are lame

You cannot lie that you were disappointed when a you first interacted with an Armourer NPC and realized they sell almost the exact same stuff as tailors, but this time they have arrows and bullets. I mean, the ammo is good, but we expected iron armor, some weapons we can buy, not just a slightly better tailor.


It’s as simple as this: Armourer NPCs should sell weapons. They can sell different types of weapons depending on the region, but I don’t feel like studying that right now.

example: Ravenna Armourers should sell Bronze Swords(ravenna greatswords maybe since they got nerfed)

When people think of armourer, they think of armour AND weapons, not just some useless equipment players can’t even use or even ever will use. If not armourers, then the metalworkers/blacksmiths should sell weapons exclusively and armourers will sell their slightly better tailor merch+ammo.

Every weapon sold should be LVL 1(so everyone can equip them)


island specific weapons iirc are planned

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or have the blacksmith be able to sell weapons along with upgrading since armorer seems more like ‘armor’ and defensive capabilities instead of offensive
okay, they sell bullets and arrows, but that should come from a fletcher with smoke arrows (silver and golden arrows could be also implemented, however its literal gold and it would be very expensive)


not like that, I’m proposing every blacksmith/armourer selling weapons since weapons being only obtainable from chests is kind of lame

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Still weapons but giving them some basic weapons would be a bandaid to the problem. Also they’d probably be the level 50 weapons

Looks like you never saw the doom island weapons from AA.
Just because doom island was the first place you visited didn’t mean the weapons you bought there weren’t strong.

So? Any weapons is better than NO weapons at all. Players are sure to get iron weapons later on.

Iron weapons should be obtainable from major islands like Ravenna. This is why I don’t like this community, you make a positive idea and then someone brings 10,001 reasons why the idea is bad.

example: Player marker
example: Server list
example: Texture remover

Doom wood spiked club :eye::lips::eye:

Except you’re not a level 50 in Redwake, if you want more weapons then add another quest to give you another weapon like a sword or katana. Maybe Shura has an extra old katana you can pick up in their little home.

ngl the weapons on doom island were all really mid except the club. Almost all of them had no skills(except the club), and they were all useless. Even the club was useless since you couldn’t even use it until you got into 2nd sea, and by then you might forget about it.

did you READ the post?


The iron weapons(lvl 50) would be sold at places like Ravenna. A level 30 should not be at Ravenna, idk why that’s a problem.

You can grind bosses until you get their weapons

bro. Reread the post before talking.

The problem isn’t weapons in general, it’s weapon obtainment.

I’m not even going to contest the normal weapons/variant in Ravenna since that would make some sense. But this is about giving new players at least a set of weapons (which they would have a dagger, gun, and katana with what I said).

Oh sorry
My bad

This doesn’t make any sense, this is what I want:

Armourer’s(or smiths) at places like Redwake or Palo should sell randomized old weapons, all of them level 1.

Major islands like Ravenna should sell iron weapons(and their cultures weapon type, bronze), all of them level 50.

And if your about to say “oh low levels actually being able to get weapons” or “oh we should only be able to get weapons from chests”, come on bruh.