Weapon Smithing Atelier

How would the weapon level be determined?

Not really taking that into account here, this thread is just to come up with ideas.

If ya wanna specify level stuff, you can.

[Heavenly windfury Dao]

[Type: Bladed (cutlass)]

Effects: Attacks have the same knockback and clearing effects of wind magic.
The blade is of a light gray, almost white material.
The handle is black, while the pommel and guard (circular) are golden.

Power 1.1x 100WP
Size 1.2x 55WP
Speed 1.4x 65WP

Is a Strength/Spirit Weapon: No

Elemental affinity: Wind 20WP

Total WP used: 240

An exotic broad saber made out of arcanium metal.
Once possessed by a swordman in search of enlightenment, it was left struck in the ground atop a mountain for decades after his passing.
Eventually it seems to have absorbed the properties of the wind.
Whoever wields it describes the experience as gaining wings that captures the winds, but one wrong step and those same winds may rips you to shreds.

Skill 1: Sword Draw: Flash Strike
Skill 2: Flying slash
Skill 3: Sword step (unique variation: void step)
Skill 4: Sky splitter
Skill 5: Ultimate Art: Divine windfury

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[Blessed star]

[Type: polearm]

Effects: the spear has an halo
The staff is black, with silver metal rings at intervals.
The point is cross shaped, silver in color.

Power 0.9x 80WP
Size 1x 45WP
Speed 1.6x 75WP

Is a Strength/Spirit Weapon: No

Elemental affinity: Light 20 WP

Total WP used: 220

A spear with a cross shaped blade.
Created together with another blade by twin master blacksmith, fate seems to put the two weapons always against each other.

The spear cross blade seems to irradiate light, making it look like a star shining in the night sky.

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[Ashen fang]

[Type: heavy bladed]

Effects: dark grey aura and ash particles.
The blade is dark grey, with a shattered effect and fire red lines for it.
The handle is red, with black wrappings, while the guard (cross) and the pommel are grey.

Power 1.2x 110WP
Size 1.1x 50WP
Speed 0.9x 40WP

Is a Strength/Spirit Weapon: No

Elemental affinity: Ash 20PW

Total WP used: 220

A longsword made out of arcanium metal that spent centuries in the ashes of a forgotten battlefield, obtaining ash-like properties.

The almost shattered blade always seems on the point of breaking and yet new ash keeps it compact and sharp.

Skill 1: Tempest
Skill 2: Sword draw: Mountain wind (unique: volcanic gale)
Skill 3: Towering impact (unique: eruption)
Skill 4: Intimidation
Skill 5: Ultimate Art: Heartbreaker

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The Night Reaper
Type: Heavy Bladed
Rarity: Exotic
Level: 300

Material: Reinforced dark steel blade with an arcanium-obsidian edge, platinum-gold alloy handle
Effect: Enhances the effects of the magic or weapon aura imbued on the blade.

Power: 1.2x (110 WP)
Size: 1.2x (55 WP)
Speed: .8x (35 WP)

Is a strength or spirit weapon: no
Elemental affinity: none
Special trait 1: The special arcanium blade allows the Night Reaper to enhance the effects of imbued magic or weapon aura. (20 WP)
Special trait 2: The Night Reaper has spatial-altering properties, allowing it to cut through and outclash most attacks. (20 WP)
Total WP used: 240

Tatsumaki: Similar to Tempest except you can move while it’s active
Void Splitter: Focus all your energy into the tip of the blade and swing down, unleashing a flying slash that destroys everything in its path.
Blade Storm: Release a whirlwind of slashes that constantly deal damage to everything nearby, similar to Fury of the Sea but better
Segador del Noche: The Night Reaper’s signature move; Create and bring the nearest enemy into an isolated space appearing as a starry night sky, and then leap at them and cleave them with an energy-filled slash, dealing immense damage.
Hakai: The Night Reaper’s ultimate move; Position the blade to your left, overflowing with energy and then slash diagonally, unleashing a massive wave of energy that consumes everything in its path.

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[Bejeweled Hoop of the Seven Seas]
Light Bladed Weapon

Effects: Depends
Materials: Platinum base with seven different jewels affixed to it

Power: 0.3x 20WP
Size: 0.5x 20WP
Speed: 1.2x 60WP

Elemental Affinities: Randomly selects Fire, Lightning, Light, Earth, Wind, Water, or Shadow (140 WP)

Appears as a chakram. M1 applies bleed as a normal bladed weapon would, with no special effects. Using a skill, however, selects a random affinity and applies that magic’s stat multiplier and affinity to the skill you would use, sort of like magic imbuement. This would affect the color of the attack name as well. Damage and size are quite low, but in exchange, status effects afflicted by this weapon last longer than normal.

Meant to reference the seven selectable magics in AA

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Weapon Concept:

The Darkness Within

Visual Effects: Has a black and crimson Weapon Aura effect, similar to how the Vindicator has a blue Aura effect.
Weapon Type: Heavy Cleaver (Halberd)

Power: 1.1 (100WP)
Size: 1.0 (45WP)
Speed: 0.8 (35WP)

Weapon Class: Strength (20WP)

Magic Affinities: Random (each move/hit has a random effect and synergy from the 20 base magics. Can’t be negative synergies or clear effects for any effect other than bleed.) [20WP]

Special Trait: Unique skill, using the properties of the weapon to inflict debuffs in a surge-like beam of magic energy. (20WP)

Lore Details: Embedded in a stone at the center of the Epicenter, this heavy Arcanium-Titanium alloy Halberd has rested in the magic-infused rain for several hundred years, absorbing the intense energies of the dark sea. Infused with immense power, it is potentially capable of releasing all of its fury at once, causing destruction like no other.


The Dark Sea’s Agony: charges up and then fires a beam of intense magic energy, acting like the Surge spell. It has infinite range, no damage falloff, and high size scaling, but is very concentrated, not creating a cone-like shape. It cannot pierce through walls. It has a high clash rate. Requirement: 150 Str/Wpn stat

Striking Gale


Sword Draw: Mountain Wind

Ultimate Art: Wrath of the Gods - You slam the halberd into the ground, unleashing hundreds of years worth of built-up magic energy in one burst, striking airborne targets with lightning and impaling grounded targets on stone spikes that emerge from the ground on their positions. These effects only trigger if the target is in range. Requirement: 300 Str/Wpn stat

Level Requirement for this Weapon: 150


Not reading allat

[Jewel Master’s Thyrsus]
Spirit Weapon (20WP)

Effects: Sparkling white jewels; if the user has Crystal Magic, it would instead adopt that user’s color variant
Materials: A staff of black iron and gold, adorned with crystals put together in a fashion reminiscent of vines and leaves

Power: 0.9x (80WP)
Size: 1.1x (50WP)
Speed: 0.9x (40WP)

Synergy: Crystal (20 WP); specifically synergy and NOT affinity, to be in-line with Eagle Patrimony’s lightning synergies

Unique Skills are structure-based, creating barriers, spikes, and platforms to stand on.

(50WP) The abilities and powers of this Spirit Weapon scale with the secondary jewel effects you have equipped.

  • Air Capacity: Affects how long the structures last naturally before collapsing.

  • Attack Destruction: Boosts damage slightly (100% AD should be like +15% damage–a good bonus for getting all those gems and nothing to sneeze at, but not batshit insane).

  • Attack Knockback: Boosts size slightly (follow similar principle to AD in that you’re sparing about the numbers–I really don’t feel like doing numbers rn tho so)

  • Blocking Power: Reduces damage taken by your structures when hit by enemy attacks; 100%+ makes them invincible, meaning they will last until their natural expiration time dictated by Air Capacity

  • Climbing Speed: Boosts speed slightly (similar in principle to AD)

  • Energy Regeneration: Increases status duration slightly (similar in principle to AD)

  • Swimming Speed: Lowers rite cooldown slightly (similar in principle to AD)

Imbuing this Spirit Weapon onto something else would apply these jewel effects ontop of the Spirit Weapon’s pre-existing base stats, but only at 33% efficiency (e.g. 100% AD would give a +5% bonus to damage instead of a +15% bonus)

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[Soulwine Greatsword]

Effects: Attacks have a red liquidy visual effect
Materials: The handle is made of glass, the blade is made of red liquid
Power 1.4x 130WP
Size 1.2x 55WP
Speed .8x 35WP

Is a Spirit Weapon: 20WP

Elemental affinity: None

Total WP used: 240

Ballroom dance: The user dances around with the blade extended, swinging it all around them.

Sophistication: The user adapts a sophisticated pose, and if they are to be hit while doing so, the blade extends forth, damaging and dealing heavy knockback to the attacker.

Ultimate Art: Dazzling Display: The user leaps into the air and swings the enlarged blade down, dealing massive AOE damage.

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Lmao, love this vid

they act as the base version of the weapon, but they have a unique skill and combo into each other

Workshop Weaponry - Black Key Armament

[Alas - Workshop Spear]

[Optional: effects/weapon materials]

  • Black Keys Combo: When used after other Workshop weapons, increase size by 0.1
    Power [1.1] x [100]WP
    Size [0.9] x [40]WP
    Speed [1.1] x [50]WP

Is a Strength/Spirit Weapon: [N]

Elemental affinity: [Darkness - 20WP]

Special trait: [None]

[Special skill: Alas: dashes foward and deals damage, if something is hit, dash again after a wind up and deal more damage than before]

Total WP used: [210]

[Wheels Industry - Workshop Greatsword]

[Optional: effects/weapon materials]

  • Black Keys Combo: When used after other Workshop weapons, increase power and speed by 0.1
    Power [1.3] x [120]WP
    Size [1.3] x [90]WP
    Speed [0.3] x [10]WP

Is a Strength/Spirit Weapon: [N]

Elemental affinity: [Darkness - 20WP]

Special trait: [None]

[Special Skill: Wheels: can only be used on the floor, a slash down that creates big AOE, anyone caught in the inner circle is ragdolled]

Total WP used: [240]

[Zelkova - Workshop Mace & Axe]

[Optional: effects/weapon materials]

  • Black Keys Combo: When used after other Workshop weapons, increase power and size by 0.1
    Power [1.1] x [100]WP
    Size [0.9] x [40]WP
    Speed [1.2] x [55]WP

Is a Strength/Spirit Weapon: [N]

Elemental affinity: [Darkness - 20WP]

Special trait: [None]

Total WP used: [215]

[Special Skill: Zelkova: a dash and swipe foward with the mace, followed by a dash and swipe foward with the axe. This skill recovers a random skill’s cooldown]

[Old Boys: Workshop Hammer]

[Optional: effects/weapon materials]

  • Black Keys Combo: When used after other Workshop weapons, increase speed by 0.1
    Power [1.1] x [100]WP
    Size [1.3] x [60]WP
    Speed [0.9] x [40]WP

Is a Strength/Spirit Weapon: [N]

Elemental affinity: [Darkness - 20WP]

Special trait: [None]

Total WP used: [220]

[Special Skill: Old Boys: a swipe foward that ragdolls and recovers 10% of max energy on hit]

[Mook - Workshop Katana]

[Optional: effects/weapon materials]

  • Black Keys Combo: When used after other Workshop weapons, increase speed by 0.1
    Power [1.0] x [90]WP
    Size [1.3] x [60]WP
    Speed [1.5] x [70]WP

Is a Strength/Spirit Weapon: [N]

Elemental affinity: [Darkness - 20WP]

Special trait: [special trait]

Total WP used: [240]

[Special Skill: Mook: a placed explosion of slashes, recovers 10% of energy and recovers a random skill’s cooldown]

[Ranga: Workshop Gauntlets & Workshop Combat Dagger]

[Optional: effects/weapon materials]

  • Black Keys Combo: When used after other Workshop weapons, increase power by 0.1
    Power [0.9] x [80]WP
    Size [1.1] x [50]WP
    Speed [1.5] x [70]WP

Is a Strength/Spirit Weapon: [N]

Elemental affinity: [Darkness - 20WP]

Special trait: [Bleed - 20WP]

Total WP used: [240]

[Ranga: dash foward 3 times, apply an extra stack of bleed on the 3rd slash]

[Crystal Atelier - Workshop Dual Swords]

[Optional: effects/weapon materials]

  • Black Keys Combo: When used after other Workshop weapons, increase size by 0.1
    Power [1.1] x [110]WP
    Size [1.0] x [45]WP
    Speed [1.3] x [60]WP

Is a Strength/Spirit Weapon: [N]

Elemental affinity: [Darkness - 20WP]

Special trait: [None]

Total WP used: [235

[Special Skill: Crystal Atelier: mirrored river twice, if both hit, mirrored river one more time.]

[Atelier Logic - Workshop Dual Pistols & Shotgun]

[Optional: effects/weapon materials]

  • Black Keys Combo: When used after other Workshop weapons, increase size and speed by 0.1
    Power [0.9 pistols / 1.2 shotgun] x [80 / 120]WP
    Size [0.5 pistols / 1.2 shotgun] x [20 / 55]WP
    Speed [1.3 pistols / 0.4 shotgun] x [60 / 15]WP

Is a Strength/Spirit Weapon: [N]

Elemental affinity: [Darkness - 20WP]

Special trait: [None]

Total WP used: [180 / 210 ]

[Special Skill: Atelier Logic: Shoot with each pistol once, then shoot once with the shotgun. change the weapon mode from dual pistols to blunderbuss and vice versa]

[Durandal - Orlando’s Holy Sword]
[Optional: effects/weapon materials]

  • Black Silence: When all of the current workshop weapons’s skills have been used to deal damage, this weapon gains 1.0 in all stats for 10 minutes
    Power [1.2] x [120]WP
    Size [1.1] x [50]WP
    Speed [1.1] x [50]WP

Is a Strength/Spirit Weapon: [N]

Elemental affinity: [Darkness - 20WP]

Special trait: [None]

Total WP used: [240]

[Unique Skills]

  • Durandal: Swipe foward twice, gain Power 1 for 30 seconds for each swipe that lands on the target
  • Dragon Slayer: The player slowly turns toward the user’s cursor and performs an overhead swing on release. This causes the user to lunge in the direction they are facing,
  • Furioso: Can only be used when every single workshop skill is on cooldown.
    Upon use, dash foward and grab the enemy, if the grab succeed, perform the following combo:
  • Atelier Logic Pistols (simultaneous fire from both)
  • Allas Workshop Lance
  • Old Boys Workshop Hammer
  • Mook Workshop Longsword/Katana
  • Ranga Workshop Gauntlets + Ranga Workshop Combat Dagger (3x)
  • Zelkova’s Workshop Axe
  • Zelkova’s Workshop Mace
  • Wheels Industry Greatsword
  • Crystal Atelier
  • Atelier Logic Shotgun
  • Durandal Sword (3 Swings)

note, the last weapon’s grab is basically a cutscene, and will only deal the damage after its ended, so you cant die midway through and have to sit there wathing the combo unfold
edit: and it plays Gone Angels

It’s glorious… :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Storm Cloud Great axe

Effects: The weapon has a dark smoke/cloudy substance emanating from it, and all attacks have a purple lightning effect to them.
Materials: Made of steel that is considerable darker than usually and has been left abandoned on top of an extremely storm ridden mountain in the dark sea for hundreds of years, causing it to gain the properties of lightning.
Power 0.8 x 70WP
Size 1.2 x 55WP
Speed 1.2 x 55WP

Is a Strength/Spirit Weapon: No

Elemental affinity: Lightning 20WP

Special trait: Compatible with Bladed, Katana, Knife, Rapier, Heavy Bladed, Heavy Cleaving, Blunt/Bludgeon and Heavy Blunt weapon skills. 20 WP.

Special Trait 2: Weapon skills compatible with Bladed, Katana, Knife and Rapier weapons are 75% faster but have 75% smaller size and Weapon skills compatible with Heavy Bladed, Heavy Cleaving, and Heavy Blunt weapons gain 75% more size but 75% less speed. 20WP.

Total WP used: 240

Skill 1: Spiraling fury
Skill 2: Devastate
Skill 3: Whirlwind
Skill 4: Skull Crusher
Skill 5: Ultimate Art: Hurricane Gale*

*Ultimate Art: Hurricane Gale— Wind up before cutting the air with immense force, creating a slow but devastating whirlwind that sends bolts of lightning in random directions, before exploding in a violent lightning strike upon impact (or after a few seconds of continued movement)
(basically a very slow and powerful pulsar with devasting impact damage)

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“angela… you have to feel the same sorrow as mine… no, you have to feel greater than that.”

There is a Julian in black suit off camera.