Weapon Smithing Atelier

Aight, you varmints! Are you ready to get your hands dirty? Are you ready to feel the heat of the forge? Are you ready to feel the aches and pains of hammer swinging? No? Well too bad! Your job here today is to create a new weapon worthy of being gazed upon by our Lord and savior Vetex himself!

Rules are as follows:

  • You get 240 points, referred to as W(eapon)P(oints). These can be used to customize every facet and intricacy of your weapon. Everything from Power to Speed and whether it’s a Spirit, Strength or just an ordinary weapon is all determined by your use of points.
  • Your weapon starts with its base stats at 0.1x across the board for power, size, and speed, as well as having no special attributes.
  • You can add 0.1 to the Power multiplier for 10 WP.
  • You can add 0.1 to the Size and Speed multipliers for 5 WP.
  • You can add an elemental affinity(like the Sunken weapons) or a special trait(Like Atlantean Greatsword stacking bleed), for 20 WP.
  • You can change your weapon into a Strength or Spirit Weapon by spending 20 WP.
  • You’re free to create or add existing weapon skills to your weapon at the end. Go wild and have fun with it. :slight_smile:

For organization’s sake, use the format below:


[Optional: effects/weapon materials]
Power [amount] x [number]WP
Size [amount] x [number]WP
Speed [amount] x [number]WP

Is a Strength/Spirit Weapon: [Y/N]

Elemental affinity: [elemental affinity]

Special trait: [special trait]

(You can add more than one special trait to a weapon, but not elemental affinities due to how weapons absorbing Magic works(there’s an exception if it’s a dual wielded weapon, in which case it can have two elemental affinities))

Total WP used: [number]

[Weapon skills would go down here]

I’ll go first, to set an example.

[Dragonfire Gunblade]

Effects: Attacks all have a fiery visual effect added to them
Materials: This weapon is made mainly of a dark red-tinted iron
Power 1.2x 110WP
Size .9x 40WP
Speed 1.1x 50WP

Is a Strength/Spirit Weapon: No

Elemental affinity: Fire 20WP

Special trait: This weapon is compatible with Bladed, Katana, Rapier and Pistol weapon skills. 20WP

Total WP used: 240

Skill 1: Sword/Gun Mode(changes which M1 is used)
Skill 2: Sword Draw: Flash Strike
Skill 3: Multi Shot
Skill 4: Shining Cycle
Skill 5: Ultimate Art: Cheap Shot

(Inspired by the threads Make a Magic workshop and Fighting Style Lab)

Oh? There’s one of these for fighting styles.


[Shining abyss]

[Optional: effects/weapon materials] A set of 2 short sickles, one blessed by Aether, one blessed by Nyx. The blades of the sickles have long since worn away, yet the energy within the sickles have replaced the blades.
Combining the two powers, the user is capable of creating equinox explosions every other hit.

Power [1.0] x [90]WP
Size [1.3] x [60]WP
Speed [0.7] x [30]WP

Is a Spirit Weapon: 20 WP

Elemental affinity: Equinox (has light synergies, and applies charred. gets a 10% bonus against charred enemies) 20 WP

Special trait: Every second attack unleashes a large equinox explosion on the person hit, which deals 40% extra damage and applies equinox fatigue (40% slower casting time) 20 WP

Total WP used: 240

Sweeping shadow: the user unleashes a large sweeping shadow slash infront of them, applying drained and sweeping the opponent in the direction of the slash

Brilliant starlight: the user charges up a small blast which, upon release will home in on enemies and deal damage in an area while travelling. This attack won’t explode upon contact with a player, only with terrain.

luminous darkness: The user takes on a stance, and brings both sickles together, then slices both at the same time in a cross pattern, creating a slow travelling equinox X slash. Upon hitting something, the slash will violently explode and cover the screen of anyone near with shadow and white lightning. (basically the ultimate move)

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My poor boy arcanium weapons nooo

We don’t have’em yet, or know what exactly they do to spells, so I exempted them.

Maybe if this thread lasts long enough to see Arcanium weapons grace our eyes I’ll update it to reflect as much.

We do know what they do. Assign to spells and modify them like blast shapes.

Greatsword of Shattered Space

Heavy Bladed : Greatsword : Legendary Quality

Effects: Shatter like effects, the sword is made out of shards of a glass like material.
Power: 1.1x [100WP]
Size: 1.1x [50WP]
Speed: 0.7x [30WP]

[Strength Weapon]

Elemental Affinity: Shatter (Destruction, clash-power and possibly severe bleeding)
Special Trait: Rending - Due to its naturally imbued shatter magic, this weapon is extremely destructive not just to the environment but to armour as well. It has natural armour-piercing properties and is more likely to deal damage to armour or a limb.

Total WP used [240]

Skill 1: Tempest
Skill 2: Sword Draw: Mountain Wind
Skill 3: Shattered Space: Impact

  • A ghostly image of the Greatsword is conjured in the air in front of the user, before being slammed down. On impact this move will deal damage, apply Severe Bleeding (Else, A less extreme form), and knock anyone around the impact back.

Skill 4: Intimidation
Skill 5: Ultimate Art: Broken Void

  • The user sends a large, but slow moving flying slash forwards.
    It will move straight through anybody it hits. Anybody caught within this part of the attack will have Severe Bleeding (See above) applied to them.
    It will then explode after a distance, which deals damage in an AoE.
    A second later, the path that it had travelled will suddenly burst in a huge explosion with cool shatter effects, damaging heavily.
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Yeah but we dunno the limits and intricacies of the system for binding spells yet.

And besides bows, we don’t know the effects of binding.

Flow-ridden Flintlock

0.2 Power (10 WP)
2.0 Size (95 WP)
2.0 Speed (95 WP)

Not Strength/Spirit

Affinity: Wind Magic
(20 WP)

Special Trait: instead of Multishot, this pistol is capable of loading in more bullets into it’s chamber, being 1 per useage of “Load Bullet”, up to a maximum of 20. Each time you load a bullet, there’s a small chance for the gun to misfire, and blow up in your face, causing an aoe around you, and your bullets to reset. Each loaded bullet increases this chance, from it’s base of 5% (1 bullet/first usage of Load Bullet), up by 2.5% each time, to the maximum of 52.5% (19 bullets). Each bullet multiplies the power of other skills, and are used up on skill use/gun firing (missed grabs do not spend bullets), acting like Multishot where it fires many bullets. This skill would have a low cooldown of around half a second.
(20 WP)

240 WP used

Skill 1: Load Bullet (see above)
Skill 2: Cheap Shot
Skill 3: Ultimate Art: Cyclonic Influx (single projectile move with high knockback, multiplied for every single bullet in chamber)

oh yeah should also be noted that it has a power efficiency of 1/20th a normal flintlock

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also I feel like it should be noted that to be compatible with a certain weapon skill, the current requirement is “doesn’t need any animations to be changed”

Yeah I forgot that was the main gripe. Still, wouldn’t make sense for a normal sword to just be able to “GUN DRAW: RAPID FIRE” at someone.

wdym that’s just rapid airslashes

I guess so? It would be cool for that kind of thing to be possible.

Still, I like meh gunblades.

Theurgist Rapier

Effects: Have the Spirit visual thingy
Materials: Narwhal horn reinforced by dried Golden Petals and the ‘fabric’ for the sword handle is the same material as that of the Theurgist set
Description: “A rapier that is a Narwhal Horn on a sword handle, which seems to imbue some kind of divinity to its attacks.”

Power 1.0 x 90WP
Size 0.8 x 35WP
Speed 1.2 x 55WP

Is a Strength/Spirit Weapon: Yes 20WP

Elemental affinity: None (Unless you count Warding status as Elemental affinity)

Special trait: Deals increased damage to those inflicted with insanity (20%, this automatically includes Atlanteans), Inflicts Warding on each hit. 40WP

Total WP used: 240

Notes: ‘Piercing Strikes’ has been renamed to ‘Strikes of Warding’, this weapon also inflicts bleed (like any other weapon) and is compatible with Rapier(compatible) skills

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I remember thinking once that imbuing certain effects like healing or shielding into weapons would be funny. Whack somebody over the head with a stick imbued with Life to heal them.

This reminds me of that, and I love it.

an anti-metamancer weapon? sure!

“touch of death”

“a single black glove meant to be worn on the left hand. it is enchanted with millenias worth of magical energy, stored within an arcanium crystal on the palm.”

power: 2.3x (220 WP)
size: 0.1
speed: 0.1

is NOT a strength/spirit weapon

elemental affinity: death (applies wither) 20 WP

special traits: the weapon has no skill, instead the only thing you can do is m1. the m1 has a very long windup of 5 seconds, in which death energy begins to collect before you slam your palm onto the target, instantly killing them and putting the weapon on a global cooldown of 2 hours (meaning you cant rejoin to reset the cd)

total WP used: 240

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“Osmium Needle”
"A small little needle which is extremely heavy. Despite its impracticality, it can inflict heavy damage in 1 strike if you can even manage to hit anything with it. Seriously, what are you even killing with this?

Power 2.5 (240 WP)
Size 0.1
Speed 0.1

Is a Strength/Spirit Weapon: N

Elemental affinity: N/A

Special trait: N/A

Total WP used: 240

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Actually ima make another one
“Feather Cutlass”
“A cutlass shaped almost exactly like a feather. As thin as one and as soft as one, it somehow doesn’t break.”
Power 0.1
Size 0.1
Speed 4.6 (220 WP)

Is a Strength/Spirit Weapon: N
Elemental affinity: N/A
Special trait: When imbued with wind magic, speed is boosted to 6.0 with Power and Size reaching 0.5. (20 WP)

total WP used: 240