Weapons Rework and Parity

Weapons Rework and Parity https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/9/f/9fa7bc1c5b93490e65801eca030eb25045505fae.jpeg
effort 5.0 15 quality 4.857142857142857 14 reasonability 4.571428571428571 14

comment so it doesnt close :+1:

forgot this so edit

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Thanks!! I’ve been out the whole day yesterday and will be today, so i won’t be able to finish the mockups yet, but i will eventually!!



Bump, still havent had the time to make the mockups, will do so today ig

I’d do unspeakable things for this. It’d be really nice to have the Warrior awakening feel like a bigger achievement compared to the ones for Mage and Berserker, and they wouldn’t lose out on the extra move slots that those builds have.


what do you mean effort 4, this is the highest effort suggestion since AO has released


fr we need to put their head on a pike

Wait, Effort’s not for how long it’d take to add?

its how much effort the person put in the suggestion



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Yeah, the stars are completely about the suggestion

I was hella confused too when i first started lol its unintuitive as heck

Fr fr. Now that spirit weapons have imbues, the warrior awakening might be the least creative one… Weapon aura should be more of a byproduct of having high weapon stat if anything

Like, the more weapon stat you have, the more prominent it is

Fun fact, i died twice i game because i was working on it.

Like, i needed the game open to get the screenshots for the mockup, and i got both killed and timed out for inactivity twice lol

comment so this doesnt close!!

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This would take a lot of effort to implement.

But its worth it 100%
I would vote extra stars to quality if I could give more than 5.

I stopped playing conjurer because I hated how the game expects you to constantly swap weapons instead of picking one or two and being a master of it.

Its especially frustrating if you like building your characters and feeling they have a personality when there is no personality and it just uses all weapons.

Especially warrior class. You played warrior once you played every warrior.


Fun fact, the “effort” star rating is for the effort put into the suggestion, not the effort it would take to make



Raised it up a little.

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The character i showed is my crystal conjurer, and i stopped playing exactly because of that.

I wanted to use one sword and be done with it, but no, i have to use 1 sword, one dual sword and a rifle if i want to make the most out of it. I need to spam fire a siren bow if i want to actually deal pve damage. It makes no sense.

It completely ruins the character concept and completely breaks my immersion…

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No problem, it happened earlier in this same post, the “effort” rating is unintuitive as heck

Btw, a build i’m tempted to try is just equip 3 katanas

Like, just 3 of the same katanas, one with only ranged moves, one with only draw/dash skills and one with something else i havent thought about yet

Since its 3 of the same weapon, they’ll clip into each other and look like i have only one equiped