Weapons Rework and Parity

Weapons Rework and Parity https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/9/f/9fa7bc1c5b93490e65801eca030eb25045505fae.jpeg
effort 5.0 15 quality 4.857142857142857 14 reasonability 4.571428571428571 14

disclaimer: This is by far my most ambitious and complex suggestion yet, it will be a long one

Disclaimer 2.04: Im having a busy week because of my birthday, will be back to it ASAP. Give me feedback so far but have in mind, it’s incomplete


Unlike magic, weapons are not innate, nor taught like fighting styles. Yet we instantly know how to wield any weapon we get, but we’re still locked to using those skills exactly like everyone else. Even with skill notes, a “Flying Phoenix” will always be a “Flying Phoenix”

Also, although this is more of a cosmetic reason, having 3 weapons on you can sometimes ruin your character concept, but not having 3 weapons is not viable.
"Baits used to be belieava-"
"Yeah, that's NOT the Red Mist..."

Weapon Rework

This rework concept aims to make weapon skills more customizable, while also allowing players to use weapons as they are right now.
In doing such, weapons can be used in two ways:

  • As is, using the skill notes already in the weapon like you can right now
  • through a moveset, configurable like magic and fighting styles.

Weapon [tab]

  • Clicking one of the slots will let you select between [Weapon arts] and [Rites]. This is to define whether that skillset is for weapons or spirit weapons

  • Then, you will be able to assign skills to a keybind like you can with magic.

  • Normally, you can only have one skillset for weapons and one for spirit weapons.

[Mockup pending]

  • After your 1st awakening as either a warrior or as an oracle, you can create a second moveset (like having a second magic/fighting style, so the req would be higher)

Skill Obtainment and customization.

Skill obtainment will, of course, be through skill notes.

  • Activating a skill note will let you choose between putting it on a weapon like usual, or consume it to unlock its Traits

[Mockup pending]

  • Special skill notes that can be transfered (Like Crushing Judgement) will be added to an empty keybind and work like lost spells instead.
    See “Mockup - Weapon Art Keybind Tab” for reference

  • Unlike magic, customization is not unlocked by having high amounts of weapon stats, but rather by consuming a skill note with the desired Traits.
    This is meant as a drive to collect every weapon for their skills, giving even non endgame weapons more value

[Mockup pending]

Weapon Art Types

For the skill creation/customization to work, weapon skills would need to have types they could be reduced to. Kinda like how, regardless of shape, number and size, a blast is still a blast.

Here is what i have in mind:
[Mockup pending]

Melee Arts

  • Slash
    Slash is equivalent to a magic blast. In that i mean that it is the most basic and versatile tool in a wielder’s arsenal. Any form of “Swing the weapon and release a projectile” would be a variation of “Slash”

  • Pressure
    Pressure is the explosion equivalent for weapon users. So any form of AoE attack that surrounds the user configures as a Pressure Art

  • Thrust
    Thrust is the equivalent to “Beam Spell”. Is that hits an type move that weapons like staff and spears have. Any form of “swing weapon into a ranged hitscan attack” is a “Thrust Art”

  • Throw
    Throw is really straightforward, its something only weapons have access, which is “throwing your weapon”. Daggers, axes and spears, for example, already do this. Any variant of “Throw your weapon at the enemy” is a form of “Throw Art”

  • Rush
    Rush is essentially any form of grab skill. You know, those moves where your character and the target get stuck in an animation… That type of move. Any type of “Rush towards the target, grab and hit him” is a form of “Rush Art”

  • Dash
    Dash are movement skills. They can be pure movement like some sort of leap, or they can do damage while moving. Any sort of skill that is used as movement can be considered a “Dash Art”

  • Draw
    this one is more experimental… I can’t yet decide if “Draw” should be amd Art in itself, or if it should be an option. Because sword draws are not very consistent with each other, even tho they share the same concept.

If it is an Art, it would just be inspired by the draw skills already in game. If it were an option you can toggle in the art creation, it would increase the attack windup (takes longer to cast as you’re holding it in the sheath), but also increase its effective range. When i decide i’ll edit this

Integrating Old on New

  • Weapons can still be used as they are today.

  • When using a weapon with skill notes still on them, the skills on the weapon will temporarily replace the ones you created, each taking their respective keybind.
    For example, Rising Tide on the sunken sword would override the Weapon Art you assigned to the keybind “Q” while it’s on hand

  • Ultimate arts are still weapon exclusive, so to use the desired ultimate art, you need the weapon that has it.

  • Each weapon can only hold 5 skill notes, a moveset can have up to 8 customized skills.
    This is so the idea of wielding more than one weapon isn’t overshadowed by the rework

  • You can have any skill type on your moveset, but only those who are compatible with the weapon you re holding will be usable (so you cant fire an arrow out of your greathammer)
    For example, you can have “piercing shot” and “Flying Phoenix” in the same moveset, but you can only cast “Piercing Shot” with a rifle in hand, while “Flying Phoenix” is unavailable

Reason to add/change

  • Fix the parity issue that weapons have when compared to magic and strength

  • it gives players the possibility of running whatever setup of weapons if they would like, while still being able to fight.

  • Being able to customize skills means you can change the size, number of strikes and casting animation and even the name of the skill, among other features

  • Finally, by making weapons this customizable, it makes you feel like your character is progressing, instead of the current experience of changing weapons every powercreep.

“i swear i’ll finish this post, i’m just saturated of writing and making mockup right now”


Don’t let me forget to finish this

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reminder reply

I appreciate the sentiment but sadly i havent been able to sleep yet…

reminder and a comment to not have it close

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dont you just hate it when you cant use power shot on your hallberd?


(i had a paragraph here on questions i had but now it’s deleted)

nevermind just ignore my rant i reread and found this i must’ve skipped over it, sorry. 0 reading comprehension on my part.

okay i reread it all and i think i somewhat understand now.

so you’d have a customizable moveset, similar to magic and strength users, and from this menu, whatever moves you pick (from used skill notes) will be automatically applied to any eligable weapons you equip, but also allowing for further customization of size and/or hits, etc.?

if so, that seems like a cool concept.

so i could “consume” Piercing Shot, Devestate, Whirlwind, Tiger Rush, and if I equipped a Musket, it’d automatically be able to use Piercing Shot, but with a customizable size? same story with if i equipped a vidicator and put on Devestate, Sunken Sword with Whirlwind and Tiger Rush, etc.?

sorry for my questions i just wanna get a complete understanding. :sob: sorry

I hate when that happen lol
And it almost happened to this entire post yesterday, i almost lost the entire text

On to the question, its kinda like that.
The one change is that the moves will be categorized.

So like, any projectile based movement will be called a slash, and beam like movement will be a thrust etc.

But for example:

If you consume a skill note for Flying Slash, you unlock the skill type slash, with the exact customizations as Flying slash

If you consume a skill note for Flying Phoenix, you can now customize your slash type skill, so you can mix and match the casting animation and projectile shape to create a unique slash type skill.

If you consume a skill note for Twin Crescents, now you can also change the duration of your slash type skills (the amount of projectiles you throw with one cast, like you can for magic blast).

This way i think you can add customization and still make skill notes worth going after.


Reminder to finish this.

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Thanks, will do so ASAP

sounds like a cool concept this will make weapons more like magic and fighting styles with differing stats

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The main selling point of weapons would be:

  • they are cool
  • you can effectively “cycle magics”, without having awakened

Since you can effectively use the same* moveset while changing the medium to which you cast the skills. As some weapons have special effects.

Like, casting flying phoenix through a greatsword will result in a bigger area, slower projectile, while casting it from a rapier will be the complete opposite.

In a way, i think this idea of mine overcomplicate in order to simplify, all in the name of creativity

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so you would basically choose your eight favorite skills and customize those, and it would automatically apply to any weapon you use with said skills?

Yep, as long as the weapons:

  • Are compatible
  • have no skill notes on them

Skill notes take priority, so non transferable skills like rising tide stay weapon exclusive

Btw, i choose eight because that’s the number of skills a mage can have in one magic. Q, E, R, F, V, C, X, Z.

i can make orange rhyme with banana


Oh my got that’s the hot rapper M&M

the thing warriors have always wanted


The thing i wanted most when i heard weapons would be an actual option in AO (back in WoM)

please make rites on a seperate tab though for us knight : )

The idea is that as warriors you’ll not be able to use rites, so it wouldnt clutter nor take space in the weapon tab = )