Weapons Rework and Parity

Weapons Rework and Parity https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/9/f/9fa7bc1c5b93490e65801eca030eb25045505fae.jpeg
effort 5.0 15 quality 4.857142857142857 14 reasonability 4.571428571428571 14

I read only the first part and this came into my mind

I had this one in mind

But sure, it works

commenting so this doesnt close part 3 :fire:

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bump (vote g&b pretty please :3)

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bold of you to assume i haven’t already :fire:

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Reminder so it won’t be closed too soon

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Fr tho warrior awakening is just boring, why can’t I slice space with my katana like Vergil?

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another comment so it doesn’t get closed :fire:

This might actually make me focus on weapons for things other than using a katana to break rocks (which I do because all but one of my magics creates debris).

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guys stop abusing and bypassing the closing system :rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage:


I feel like the weapon system is too limited, and I think this system looks fairly reasonable. Unless ofc vetex objects right now

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I havent been able to finish the post and i dont want to repost the same thing again when i finish it

Tho to be fair, i wont bump my own posts to keep them open

Looks pretty good, these weapon movesets should get an aura color selector for every slot (i want purple warroor aura) (vitality has the sparkly effects so it remains different)


YES!!! tho i think the aura color should be the color of your energy bar (which is the same as your magic)

This way the magic selection still have value for non magic usera


You can faintly see the magic colour when charging while not holding a weapon. As a warrior I’d prefer just being able to customize the aura colour, but maybe that’s because I have an ugly magic (rosegold :sob:)

As someone who has mained warrior since shortly after release I love the suggestion, but sadly I don’t think it’s very likely to be added considering the amount of work it would require to implement.

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Nah bro, rosegold looks good if you dress your character accordingly… Give it a try!

But yeah, i like to gope this will be implemented in one way or another but its unlikely. All in all, weapons just got reworked, so there are precedents to it

I do think it could look good on a magic build but rose gold only slightly affects the colour of the charging which isn’t verh visible (and it gets fully replaced by the weapon colours if you’re holding one)

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Fair enough, never went full warrior so i wouldnt know…

Really cool idea. I’m new here so I’m not experienced, but something i thought of is how you would hold your weapon depending on your proficiency and mastery of weapons.
When you are new to a certain weapon (like a ravenna sword) you would hold it in a standard stance that you learned with the similar weapon before (like a katana). The higher your proficiency the higher your understanding of the weapon and develop a new stance that fits the weapon more.

And the higher your weapon stats are, the faster you master your weapon and learn new stances.
But idk tho just had the idea 5 mins ago.