Week of Discussion 3: Island Concepts

Good Evening Forums! Welcome to the third day of the Week of Discussion.

We’re getting a bit creative today. Let’s discuss potential island concepts, however wacky and insane, that could fit into AO.

From wilderness islands, to town ideas, to a detailed description of your dramatic location, share it all!

Some ideas

  • Town ideas
  • Wilderness island ideas
  • Sky island ideas
  • Dark Sea structure ideas
  • Secret ideas

Not an island idea, but mainly a secret.

I really really really want vetex to add a secret under Skyhall kingdom, imagine a sunken flying-island.


Sameria should have a vassal state which’s island is a stone dildo made in honor of Empress Nilah.

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Imagine running all over sameria just to find your rival or some random leg chart.
how about rivals on sky islands, wonder when I’ll get my steady supply of cloud extracts.
Remember falling rocks at the stepstones? Stuff can fall off the sky islands and make big splashes in the ocean

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Ya know how there’s those sky racists to “sea-dwellers” or whatever?
Make an island that’s actually just a part of their sky islands that suddenly fell, and they just use it as a place to banish people to.
In classic racist fascion, everyone that survived the fall of the island would also be shunned away, since they fell down to the “inferior” side and are now tainted or whatever excuse they can come up with.
Also those shunned people would still live on that fallen island, still believing that they can earn their “sky status” back and leave the sea.


I think adding some ruined cities (around the size of rubica) in the dark sea would be pretty cool. Maybe making the layouts of these cities randomly generated to keep them fresh and not be same

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Dark sea battlefields stuck in time during the early days of the dark sea (atlanteans vs island people) where you can optionally “continue” where winning will snap you back to ruins of said battle that oddly still has markings of you
(See titanfall cause and effect for good example)

Dark sea hold outs where there was attempt to fight back the dark sea, with a passive insanity effect on the whole island due to the presence of dead and the failed holdout with pockets of stronger insanity around most of the loot
The main goal is to reactivate/fix a warding system that would not only clear the insanity but also provide a massive debuff to any remaining enemies
0 doesn’t appear
1-2 doomed explorations
3-4 hold outs of ancient peoples
5+ the broken islands “the island broke before the wardens”
unique Loot is purified modifiers that can be placed on ship parts that create a passive area around the ship that weakens( extends the rate of insanity effects) note if your warding is not equal or greater the buff doesn’t work

evacuations simple a arrow that leads to a other island the said islands has clues to where you can dig up loot (grave robbing)

Note I’m both typing this on my phone and I don’t care about grammar right now I maybe fix it later


floating/sky islands in dark sea please

i dont care how hellish it would be to get there, i want one

some ambush monsters would be nice ( i am very faint hearted )

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For islands,
A ink well island I think would be cool THE island where newspaper comes from along with paper and ink mages ( I want my ink magic back ):< vetex )

The “great” Kelp forest would be cool

Stone piercers, a village of elvish alike that lives in stone pillars similar to redwake but the ocean floor is much lower so they hunt by birds that live on the pillars they are also much lighter due to the way they move around being zip lines (also they are pure carnivores) (also also hollow bones) (also also also bow lovers and rock heads as in they like rock music )

magically fog covered island home to light bugs and nest of anglerfish

A cult of the sun worshippers of great (tallest in war seas) volcanic mountains, (overall DPS of the cult is low but blind and and lava makes up for it) “the LIGHT leads our enemies to their doom”
(Their goal is to cause a eruption that would reach and therefore feed the sun falsely believing it would weaken the dark sea)

The “half” a island that lays right on the border of the dark sea and the war seas,used as training and launching point

A tower made on a reef that drills below the ocean floor (something like the Kola Superdeep Borehole SG-3) currently in conflict due to the possibility of damage of the reef a major food source to humans already living on the reef

The cooking pot, a place that specializes in the hunting of sea monsters and high class dining, surprisingly is a place of good morals that uses the high cost of dining to fund hunting monsters in more poverty stricken communities

( I will keep posting if I have any more ideas)

  1. A tall island with cliffs on all sides like Shell Island, except all the cliffs are covered in boardwalks, ladders, and platforms. It’s an entire vertical city. There could be a story quest where you have to sneak into/out of the city through tunnels in the cliffs

  2. A medium-sized tropical island (maybe Frostmill-sized) shaped like a horseshoe, where basically the entire island is covered by a town except the part in the center of the horseshoe, which is a super deep bay/cove/whatever. There would be a quest to go retrieve a treasure from the bottom that would teach people how to make a water-breathing potion and use it to dive for treasure, because it would be impossible to go to the bottom and back up again without one.

  3. See my previous suggestion about color pools in the Dark Sea (it’s not in suggestions because I don’t have the role, just search it, I put it under another thread)

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man i just want a continent

For anything related to the Dark Sea, just look at the two suggestions I made about it

More islands with big cave like Whispering Caverns, Orthys (but less dark), Shell Island, etc

Maybe even proper cave generation on DS Islands

As for a specific idea: Skycliff Island at sea level. That’s the idea.

I really loved the pure vibes that the Ashen Volcano gave in WoM!

So many secrets, lava flowimg everywhere… Its just relaxing. Perhaps we could have a supermassive wilderness island thats just one big volcano, or rather people who live there! Volcanoes are COOL!

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Just wait for Jotunheim that’ll basically be a continent

please vetex the one island I found which was lucky enough to generate a huge cave system was so fun to explore

Love this idea

You can’t enter insanity range 5

I like this one.

Love vertical cities + reminds me of that one WoM city with secret tunnels

Vertical city points

Must agree


Some giant sky island supported via gravity magic imbued stone thingies idk

actually, a deep sea secret civilization that uses pressure magic to counteract the immense oceanic force in some deep dark trench would be super cool.

only issue is how people on the surface get down that deep to begin with :thinking:


a desert civilisation that lives in an oasis where the water comes from an ancient arcanium weapon used by a powerful magic user

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Underground cave city when