We're getting weapon skills?

2-4 weapons getting some skills making it “versatile”? hard doubt

We already know how draining making the first two sets of weapon skills was for Vetex. Doing the entire set of 3rd skills would just burn him out again. This is progress.

then maybe we should, like, leave those off for another update and he can instead make something much easier, like rare weapons which would add more variety to warrior’s movepool?

if we’re continuing this lets move it to another topic

you don’t seem to understand that even if we get more rare weapons we will be limited to an average of 6 TOTAL skills at your disposal at all times. While a new rare weapon with a special move replacing a normal one would give us another option, sure that’s nice, but that doesn’t solve the problem of how little moves warrior can use at a time.
Warrior needs more skills to separate it better from other classes at the current level cap AND to make sure it gets more room to have a flexible playstyle. Switching weapons mid combat feels janky as hell, so more weapons with 2 skills is just a worse idea than giving current weapons more skills

rare weapons > 3rd skills

  1. useable by hybrids
  2. same amount of new skills (rare weapons get unique skills)
  3. cool colors
  4. NEW weapons, not crusty old ones that will probably become meta when their 3rd skills release before others
  5. will be balanced unlike vind
  6. (referring to #4) likely will have only one widely used 3rd skill (like flying phoenix for sunken) and the others will be random ones like bow or shield
  7. more variety in weapon usage (not limited to vind/rgs/scim spam :face_holding_back_tears: )
  8. equal additions in other build paths (2 rare spells, 2 rare techniques, 2 rare weapons)
  9. rare weapons will have entirely new abilities that no ones heard of
    9.5. they will have cool colors
    9.5.5. this means more weapon aura colors for charging and exoplis
  10. theres probably more reasons but this is enough

except that giving 3rd weapon skills kills variety in weapon builds and any chance for hybrids to catch up with the others in usages. 3rd weapon skills should only be added later on in an update where peopleget more levels.

sooo your solution to making more weapon skills for weapons being too draining is… make weapon skills (but more exclusive)?


mf its reskinning a weapon it aint hard to do

unique weapon skills:

they’re hardly that different of skills :person_shrugging:

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You’re a liar


so then why can’t we have 3rd weapon skills?

Then what’s even the point of making a whole new weapon? May as well just go touch grass instead of wasting time developing it

gives weapon hybrids new things to use + literally easier for vetex

If it’s just a new weapon, but different looking, there’s no point. It’s effectively not new. Unless it’s a direct upgrade I suppose, but even then that’d be boring as hell. If it’s gonna be a whole new weapon that’s gonna be much rarer and stronger, it should at least be a bit more unique imo. Also, it may be easier for Vetex, but it’s not like he set a strict, absolute deadline for himself or the community.

literally every rare weapon is like that, get over it

Bruh, why u getting so mad? I suppose you do have a point though. But what does that make vindicator and triasta then?

upgrades of normal weapons, but with a slightly different skill

Wouldn’t more weapons like that be more fun though?

slightly altered moves to be unique, and I still like this more because this actually makes sense for the dark sea, plus it gives something hybrids can use and gives more variety in weapon builds for warriors, unlike third weapon skills which do neither of these and are more stressful for vetex

but hey if we wanna continue this, lets not do it in Reminders