We're getting weapon skills?

just stop using weapons and quit arguing here bruh


the best end to this

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Words of utmost importance and wisdom!

I hate how shallow the pools for good weapons are right now, they’re all you see when metamancers are stupid.

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What happened to splitting the irrelevant conversations into their own threads? I’m here for Trello updates, not idiots arguing over patch notes for an update that hasn’t even released yet.

for some reason the system is breaking with this topic and they can’t move messages in bulk anymore

50 replies to reminders for AO… no Trello updates… post Trello updates or shut the fuck up… please…


30 replies and its just you guys fucking arguing about weapon skills

just shut the fuck up


gif ruined grah

also fuck you licha!!!


Explosion you say? Then I have an idea. If you have fought Cernyx, you can remember one his attack, where he spawns little rock under you, dealing slight damage, and then this rock explodes, dealing more dmg and throwing you up in the sky

Seismic rift will go hard :speaking_head:

Cryo’s had it with our bullshit :sob:

Its already been voted on, no-point in arguing.

We are getting 3rd weapon skills even if it makes people who aren’t full weapon builds angry.

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I vote for it knowing warriors are gonna be broken

I voted for it because I hate how hard it is for me to get around on my warrior file.

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Yeah, you see there it is. Hybrids at least have better mobility (especially outside combat) than us full weapons. We need new skills not new weapons.

Also another thing to point out, weapons gotta get their skills eventually. Everyone be crying about not getting new rare weapons, when the base regular ones arent even finished.

Anyways, it was already decided either way. I just dont see why Vetex should add rare weapons (which are likely not going to have all their skills if im not mistaken) and add to the pile of unfinished weapons.

Also new stuff is new stuff, I think we’ll enjoy whatever comes our way regardless.

Also also, the point of a hybrid is not to have everything the full builds have, why are people crying about not being able to use 3rd weapons skills as hybrid when thats kinda the point (at least now, later obviously when we have more levels and all they would)

Im sorry for ranting I just had no internet and all I could was read. Ive been wanting to post this for a while


sorry why was that? never heard about that and wondering why rare weapons would be that much easier then?

it was like 48 individual moves, all of which had to be balanced and bug tested

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yeah, but then this arguemnt uncool made still doesn’t make sense