We're getting weapon skills?

Yeah and I think that it’s stupid vet made a poll decision that hardly changes anything outside of making warriors less varied while making it harder for himself

my argument is that warrior feels like shit to play because it can only use 6 or 7 moves at a time.
New rare weapons with 2 moves total with one being slightly different than it’s weapon class won’t help that situation.

You seem to be all about “variation”. There are plenty of weapons right now, and the best ones are getting their proper nerfs. “Variation” in viable loadouts isn’t the problem, it’s how little skills we have at our disposal at a given time. I don’t know how you’re this dense but if it doesn’t get through your skull it won’t matter to me, I’m muting this shit.
I bet you don’t even HAVE a warrior file the way you’re talking

“Plenty of weapons” yet maybe 4 are used in rotation on warriors and weapon hybrids

Third weapon skills don’t help this plus you get only 2 more minimum and a full set has 3, which is still very low for warriors plus there’s no knowing what the moves even do until release, which seeing most weapons, it’s unlikely it’ll be something that warrior needs

I want rare weapons more because, unlike 2-4 more skills , they give things accessible to weapon hybrids, which don’t get as many rare things this update compared to other builds that will get more and have more overall after this, while sure warriors might get slightly better, you’re still stuck with the problem of having only 3 good weapons to use rather than multiple things to switch from.

Honestly at this point I don’t think I can say anything that hasn’t been said by maple up there, but if you don’t change your mind, oh well. Not like I can change it much anyway :person_shrugging:.

Anyway, I have to go hit quarter notes on a bass drum for a school rally and then later play music again at a football game I don’t care about while I stress about how fast I can finish my honors English homework

the following weapon types will get a new skill. Sure they won’t be the ones currently used but because of the third skill it will allow warriors to think a bit more and change their equips.

axes, clubs, bows, claws, daggers, cutlasses, dual swords, dual flintlocks, flintlocks, muskets, greataxes, greathammers, greatswords, shields, hammers, katanas, maces, rapiers, spears, staves, tridents, swords, vindicator.

23 new skills for warriors to experiment with. 3 of those (hammers, axes, and flintlocks) will likely be untouched.

Brotha only 2-4 of these weapons are getting this next update, ONLY that amount. The rest go untouched

that doesn’t seem true. why would only 4 different weapons get their 3rd skill?

Official poll from vetex about it

oh. which weapons though?

7,930 people are going on my kos


He didn’t specify them, in fact he said he might do a poll on them (which I hope doesn’t happen)

Hey now those are 7.9k lobotomy victims be more respectful

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Sorry I wanted my warrior to be more versatile with more skills.

I was an AR pvper i don’t know how to be respectful

More “versatility” less variation between builds (for something that can have some of the biggest variety in game)

You did now apparently

rare weapons >>>>>> 3rd skills (just wait for them to be added all at once cuh)


What happened here