We're getting weapon skills?

In terms of the weapon skills I’d want
Sword 3rd skill (Flying Phoenix) would buff both the sword item and the sunken sword items.
Katana 3rd skill (air step) Another movement skill would be great
Staff 3rd skill (Whirling cyclone) Another AoE attack for warriors. Staffs would become a very used weapon
Dual swords (N/A) this would effect another widely used weapon for warriors.

Isn’t this mostly just propping up the already-meta weapons further? :skull_and_crossbones:

I want Sparrow Thrust, it would give the Noble Thunderspear a niche use over the Triasta of Bronze, since Warriors would have enough stat points to use the thunderspear’s 3rd skill but not the triasta.

yeah but I don’t think the sunken sword is meta.

meta would be greatsword, katana, and vindicator

for non-meta I’d choose the noble thunderspear, stormcaller (bows), sunken sword?, warhammer

Yeah that would be good.

I hope it isn’t voted on because vindicator is eligible for a third skill

i don’t use vindicator and don’t care about it so I wouldn’t vote for it. A lot of other people might though.

honestly I don’t understand why people want more rare weapons.

more weapon skills are just a downright larger amount of warrior content, and rare weapons while they might have an edgy colour are objectively worse for the warrior class than a full weapon type getting a new skill

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People also want things for hybrid builds too

and you think a rare weapon will be usable for hybrids when the lost spells/techniques probably won’t?

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at least one of the lost spells and techniques will probably be usable by hyrbids

has this been confirmed

no but it makes sense

From what we’ve been shown, it’s possible

Weapon hybrids hardly have that much variety atm, right now every build looks like:

katana/dual swords (which are almost the exact same weapon still tbh), greenwish staff and either greatsword or ptd

How would adding more rare weapons solve this? It would just change it to rare weapon rare weapon greenwish staff if they’re good.

I don’t think you realize how good another option is bro, have you not thought using the same 4ish weapons is boring at all?

For a class that should have some of the highest variety, why should it only be limited to a few weapons?

Oooooo shaking in my boots

Seen here, Glitching Eclipse entering baby mode at the thought of a meta

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The is genuinely the best response I could have gotten to this.

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